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...英语作文:关于伊拉克战争中美军遇到的问题的概括 你有些吗?那课文...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-01 00:12



热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 06:30

Saddam hussein in where? The White House may say, the fate of saddam hussein strategically is irrelevant. But, from psychological speak this is of vital importance. As an Iraqi man said: "we have to see saddam bodies hung from the pole, and our hearts can really calm down." Kirkuk a oil workers said: "no one believed that saddam hussein had not in this world." A taxi driver said: "if he is still alive, Iraq, no safety at all."

Weapons of mass destruction in where? Saddam hussein is not the only thing missing. In a few months before the war, bush senior leaders said America, such as, saddam hussein has biological and chemical weapons, and that is very dangerous for destroying the weapons and start a war is worth it. Defense secretary Donald rumsfeld said last week: "weapons is dynamic, maybe hidden in the ground, maybe hidden in the tunnel, weapons are hidden, into parts. We can now find them? No, the country's place is too big."

Washington Carnegie endowment for international peace non-proliferation project director, Joseph for theo, who said: "one possibility is to Iraq does not have like the President said so many weapons. This shows that our intelligence agencies absolute error. The President is in a very embarrassing to the United States, the credit is a heavy blow. Another possibility is that Iraq has like the President are worried about so many weapons, but no longer control in the hands of anyone......."

Who to power? In talking to look for a new generation of leaders, retired general jay Gardner said: "this is just as a man in a dark room for touching the walls, but try not to run into furniture." In various Iraqi opposition before the meeting held secret that night, Ghana, met with Iraqi national congress leader ahmed salad exile than. Don't want to take part in the second day than salad of meetings to be held in the morning, because many people fierce opposition, says he is the pentagon's puppet. But, Ghana, I would like to hear on the current situation in Iraq of his views. Salad, said "we don't want the Iraqi people depend on in the American." He hope the Iraqi people solve the problem by themselves. But, he did not talk about the Iraqi provisional authority how to management and the role of his own future.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 06:24


热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 06:30

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