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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-25 21:03



热心网友 时间:2024-07-15 20:51

The Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Head Festival, Society Day Festival, and Tomb-Sweeping Day are among China's traditional festivals.(春节、元宵节、龙抬头节、社日节和清明节是中国的一些传统节日。)The Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi Festival, Half of July, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Winter Solstice Festival, and New Year's Eve are also included.(端午节、七夕节、七月半、中秋节、重阳节、冬至节和除夕也是中国的传统节日。)Additionally, some of the 24 Solar Terms are both natural phenomena and traditional festivals, such as Qingming and Winter Solstice.(另外,二十四节气中的清明和冬至既是自然现象,也被视为传统节日。)Furthermore, China's ethnic minorities maintain their unique traditional festivals, such as the Dai Water-Splashing Festival.(此外,中国各少数民族也保留着自己的传统节日,如傣族的泼水节。)Extended information about the Winter Solstice Festival customs: In southern China, many places celebrate the Winter Solstice. In some coastal southern regions, the tradition of ancestor worship continues. Families place ancestral images and tablets in the upper hall of their homes, set up an altar, and arrange incense burners and offerings. While worshipping ancestors, some areas also pay tribute to Tiancizhaipi and Land Gods, praying for blessings and a favorable year ahead with proper rainfall and harmony in the family. Cantonese people eat roasted meats and ginger rice on the Winter Solstice. It is a custom in Guangdong to "add dishes" and consume winter meat on this day. In the Chaoshan area, there is a saying, "Eating Winter Solstice balls is like welcoming the new year." The Hakka people believe that the water tastes the purest on the Winter Solstice, so it has become a tradition to make wine on this day. Reference sources: Bai Encyclopedia - Chinese Traditional Festivals; Bai Encyclopedia - Winter Solstice.
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