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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-11 10:41



热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 10:52

The: on April 20th, American petroleum drilling platform fire cause seven people injured 11 deaths.
Oil RIGS: about two days, damaged explosion sunk Wells began to leak.
Worse: every 5,000 barrels of oil drilling platform, five times previously estimated quantity.
Coping: underwater robot start stop leakage, U.S. department "burning oil".
Update: the United States announced that the oil crisis as national disaster relief troops.
Oil process: on April 20 "deep-water drilling platform explosions." the horizon 11 deaths caused by staff at about 36 hours, sank the gulf of Mexico. On April 24th pipe began to leak.
The leakage of oil companies, loss of billions of dollars. American beauty. 500 million fishermen claim, Marine environment immeasurable losses.
The gulf oil event began did not get enough attention. Until April 28, new oil Wells are discovered, points from the previous estimates, leakage quantity of 1000 barrel rise to 5,000 barrels, people realized to the disaster. Experts say the most serious is the oil leakage, high water-soluble ingredients and the gulf of Mexico, burning and integrated water cleaning, processing oil or takes five years, which caused the disaster and influence to eliminate within short time also.

On May 2, 2008, the President of the United States senator Obama to the gulf oil leakage inspection. He warned that the leakage accident "may lead to an unprecedented environmental disaster relief work, can last a long time. Obama said, accident responsibility, oil drilling platform of rent British petroleum company, the "blame for relief spending bill".

热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 10:48

The: on April 20th, American petroleum drilling platform fire cause seven people injured 11 deaths.
Oil RIGS: about two days, damaged explosion sunk Wells began to leak.
Worse: every 5,000 barrels of oil drilling platform, five times previously estimated quantity.
Coping: underwater robot start stop leakage, U.S. department "burning oil".
Update: the United States announced that the oil crisis as national disaster relief troops.
Oil process: on April 20 "deep-water drilling platform explosions." the horizon 11 deaths caused by staff at about 36 hours, sank the gulf of Mexico. On April 24th pipe began to leak.
The leakage of oil companies, loss of billions of dollars. American beauty. 500 million fishermen claim, Marine environment immeasurable losses.
The gulf oil event began did not get enough attention. Until April 28, new oil Wells are discovered, points from the previous estimates, leakage quantity of 1000 barrel rise to 5,000 barrels, people realized to the disaster. Experts say the most serious is the oil leakage, high water-soluble ingredients and the gulf of Mexico, burning and integrated water cleaning, processing oil or takes five years, which caused the disaster and influence to eliminate within short time also.

On May 2, 2008, the President of the United States senator Obama to the gulf oil leakage inspection. He warned that the leakage accident "may lead to an unprecedented environmental disaster relief work, can last a long time. Obama said, accident responsibility, oil drilling platform of rent British petroleum company, the "blame for relief spending bill".

热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 10:56

-Accident:On Apr. 20, 7 injured, 11 died in the disaster of an explosion on an American drilling platform.
-Oil leakage:The drilling unit sunk two days later, the damaged oil well have spilled oil out.
-Worsen: 5000 barrels per day the oil leaked from the well, leakage is five times they estimated early.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 10:53

, the: on April 20, American petroleum drilling platform fire cause seven people injured 11 deaths.
, oil drilling platforms: about two days, damaged explosion sunk Wells began to leak.
Worse, drilling platform, every 5,000 barrels of oil leakage, five times previously estimated quantity.
To start, stop, underwater robots failed, the leakage of oil "burn" relief department.
Update: the United States, the oil crisis as announced national disaster relief troops.
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