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Maxi Priest&Shaggy的《That Girl》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-11 04:33



热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 05:15

歌曲名:That Girl
歌手:Maxi Priest&Shaggy
专辑:This Is... 1996

That Girl歌词-McFly
Went out with the guys
And before my eyes
There was this girl she looked so fine
And she blew my mind
And I wish that she was mine
And I said 'hey wait up cos I'm off to speak to her'
And my friends said
(you'll never get her)
But I didn't care
(you'll never get her)
Cos I loved her long black hair
(you'll never get her)
And love was in the air
(you'll never get her)
And she looked at me
(you'll never get her)
And the rest was history
(you'll never get her)
Dude you're being silly cos you're never gonna get that girl
And you're never gonna get the girl
We spoke for hours
(she) took off my trousers
Spent the day laughing in the sun
We had fun
And my friends they all looked stunned
Dude she's amazing and I can't believe you've got that girl
My friends said
She gave me more street cred
I took she books she read
And how could I forget
She rocks my world
More than any other girl
Dude she's amazing and I can't believe you've got that girl
And I can't believe you got that girl
She looked incredible just turned 17
I guess my friends were right
She's out of my league
What am I to do?
She's too good to be true
But 3 days later
Went round to see her
But she was with another guy
And I said 'fine'
But I never asked her why
But since then loneliness has been a friend of mine
My friend's said
(such a pity)
I let her slip away
(such a pity)
They tell me everyday
(such a pity)
That it will be ok
(such a pity)
She rocks my world
(such a pity)
More than any other girl
(such a pity)
Dude its such a pity
(such a pity)
And I'm sorry that you lost that girl...
And I'm sorry that you lost that girl

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