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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-20 04:08



热心网友 时间:2024-06-20 05:07

Satellites - Molly Sanden

I am on my ground
You and I side by side

Head up in the clouds
I see my life flashing by

They call us reckless but we are free
The night is young and so are we
And we turn it up 'til we lose it
Screaming up to the sky
We're high

Tonight we're like satellites
Dancin' on the skyline
Way beyond the timeline
Tonight we're like satellites
Livin' for the first time
We can do this all night
Tonight we're going

Tonight we're going

Tonight we're going

Tonight we're like satellites

Put your heart on mine
Face to face my favourite place

We are over minds
There's no time in space it's drift away

They call us reckless but we are free
The night is young and so are we
And we turn it up 'til we lose it
Screaming up to the sky
We're high

Tonight we're like satellites
Dancin' on the skyline
Way beyond the timeline
Tonight we're like satellites
Livin' for the first time
We can do this all night
Tonight we're going

Tonight we're going

Tonight we're going

Tonight we're like satellites


There's no words but aaaah aah


There's no words but aaaah aah
Like satellites

Like satellites

Tonight we're like satellites
Dancin' on the skyline
Way beyond our timeline
Tonight we're like satellites
Livin' for the first time
We can do this all night
Tonight we're going

Tonight we're going

Tonight we're going

Tonight we're like satellites
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