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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-23 04:21



热心网友 时间:2024-06-23 05:43

Once the ship arrive the destination port.The buyer has to unload at least 10,000T per day.(ie.You have to unload all the goods within 3 days if there is 30,000T goods).If the unloading time has been delayed,the buyer has to pay the liquidated damages as per USD10,000 for each single day.

The first shipment will be ready to ship within 45days upon receive L/C.And the rest of the shipments will be ship out by separate within 60days.

We'll inform the detailed shipping plans to buyer after receive the L/C.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-23 05:35

1. Ship to the destination. The buyer must unload 10,000 tons a day. For example, 30,000 tons to be emptied in three days. If more than expected time, the buyer to pay a penalty USD10000 / day.
2. Credit to 45 days after the first batch of goods, the next 60 days, finished out of the remaining goods in batches.
3. Specific shipment plans inform the buyer after receiving the letter of credit.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-23 05:40

1.The ship to your destination. the buyer must be a day after the 10,000 ton. for example, 30,000 ton in three days. if it is expected to get ahead of time, the buyer have to pay liquidated damages usd10000 days.
2.Credit to within 45 days after the first batch of the goods within 60 days, the partial out through the rest of goods.
3.Specific out a plan to inform the buyer. after receipt of letter of credit.
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