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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 07:53



热心网友 时间:2024-08-12 07:07

The安徽省泾县小岭茅山宣纸厂, nestled in the picturesque surroundings of a small ridge in Anhui, has a rich history dating back to 1250. Known for its continuous proction of renowned Xuan paper, this town has become synonymous with the art of papermaking. For centuries, the small ridge paper has been celebrated for its unique techniques, superior quality, and cultural authenticity, contributing to the nation's traditional heritage.

The factory, as the largest proction hub for Xuan paper, has a strong focus on tourism and proces paper-based souvenirs, particularly the renowned Jin Longxuan rice paper. According to GB18739-2002 standards, the company specializes in the proction of traditional handicrafts, showcasing the artistic charm and distinct Chinese character of its procts. Known for its rability, clarity like jade, resistance to insects and rot, and the ability to preserve ink, Jin Longxuan paper earns the accolade of "thousand-year-old paper" and is highly valued in calligraphy and painting circles for its artistic and collectible qualities.

Using at least 2 to 3 years-old Maoshan green bark, Maoshan sandstone straw, and natural water from the area, the skilled artisans meticulously craft each sheet, drawing from a tradition of 108 processes. The resulting paper exhibits a cotton-like toughness, smooth as jade, and the distinctive ink absorbency. Jin Longxuan offers a range of procts, including cotton, leather, and special net skin varieties, in single, folder, and multi-layered formats, with various sizes, such as four, five, and six feet. Pressed papers include single and double Silk Road styles, as well as ribbed and moire patterns. Cooked papers, like jade plate, cicada, and ice and snow, among others, offer over 60 unique variations.

Recognized by artists like Qi, Huang Zhou, and Zhang Daqian, the factory has catered to notable customers, including Qigong master in 1993. It warmly invites Chinese enthusiasts to visit the paper-making process in person and is dedicated to promoting Xuan paper culture to national and international audiences.
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