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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-01 14:45



热心网友 时间:2024-07-14 14:01

Implicitly • beautiful
- On the new Chinese style in camphor Court residential
Abstract: decorative charm to create a more perfect living space, and meet the people away from the hustle and bustle of the city to the requirements of the ideal resting place; patterns of traditional Art Deco styling, aesthetic style to do in-depth research, historical, and thus endowed with a unique style design interior design work. The strong colors, intricate decorative craft, luxury without publicity given to the people living in such a space unlimited reverie. Meet their function under the premise, give the owner a warm, comfortable home. This is not only thinking of the living environment, but also the philosophical thinking, camphor Court residential is the city people aspire to such a rich life ambience and cozy atmosphere quality accommodation.
Keywords: life, traditional thinking, warm

热心网友 时间:2024-07-14 13:59


译:Hello everyone. My name is Zhao Liang, I am a Chinese boy, come from Shanghai, now 11 years old, I am in six (2) class. There are 50 students in our class. I was one of the best students in her class. Weeks the teacher to teach us English, his English was ve...


不要问我问题 Don't ask me questions 不对。 1、缺少宾语; 2、应该把 in 改成 into


Actively looking for new friends can help you ease the loneliness and make you adapt to the new campus life. The University offers a great opportunity to make lifelong friends. Many new students often ask themselves a question: how to make new friends? Here are some tips to help...


Gansu Shuiguozhixiang. I love sports, such as cycling, hiking, swimming, fitness. Features trumpet and English spoken. Life, I am a optimistic person, the sun is a typical boy,


Wave to Everybody 向每一个人招手 Dick's uncle lived in the country. Once Dick went to stay with him for a few Dick's的叔叔住在一个乡村。 一次dick住在他叔叔那里几周 weeks. they often went out for a walk or for a drive in a car. When they passed 他们经常开车出去散步...


Wish the still hard working you, wouldn't forget us 保持我们的思念。Keep the thoughts of us.文(5),我们的爱。不太明白这最后一句。这是落款吗?如果是的话,译成:By ... our love.是写给暂别天涯的他的,对吧?令人感动!希望我的翻译正确传达了您的意思。供您参考!


Good answers will be awarded high points. !!! ^_^


The aim of inquiry and quotation processing is to quickly hand over a binding quotation that is attractive for the customer and justifiable from a business point of view. An initial specification of the product is created in line with the customer’s requirements in the process.询价...


2,每月基础公里数为6000KM,每超出一公里加收1元。The monthly base allowance is 6000 Km, and charge 1 yuan for an additional kilometer.3,外地出差的餐费补助按贝克休斯的标准执行。The meal costs incurred on the business trip are to be reimbursed based on the Beck Hughes Standards....


Childhood living in the city I, tired of the noisy city life, I hope the society in his walk and achievement, to design atheir own dream villa, enjoy the pastoral scenery and clean, as far as possible the use of environmental protection and energy saving materials, has a ...

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