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Pist-On的《Exit Wound》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-01 14:03



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 02:00

歌曲名:Exit Wound
专辑:Number One

The Script – Exit Wounds
My hands are cold my body's numb
I'm still in shock what have you done
My head is poundin, my vision's blur
Your mouth is moving, I don't hear a word
And it hurts so bad that I search my skin
For the entry point, where love went in
And ricocheted and bounced around
And left a hole when you walked out yeah
I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds
I don't know how much more love, this heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds
Whoooooaa uuuh
Where their leaving, the scars you're keeping, Exit wounds,
Where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
Marks a battle still feel raw
A million pieces of me on the floor
I'm damaged goods for all to see
Now who would ever want to be with me
I've got all the baggage drink the pills
Yeah this is living but without the will
I'm Blacken out I'm shutting down
You've left a hole, you walked out yeah
I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds
I don't know how much more love, this heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds
Wounds ... where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
Exit wounds .... where their leaving, the scars you're keepin
Loose your clothes and show your scars
That's who you are
Loose your clothes and show your scars
That's who you are
Loose your clothes and show your scars
That's who you are
Loose your clothes and show your scars
Marks a battle still feel raw
A million pieces of me on the floor
I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds
I don't know how much more love, this heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds
Wounds ... where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
Exit wounds .... where their leaving, the scars you're keepin
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