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发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-03 16:16



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 01:37

AS everyone knows,First,Cooperative learning group improve the learning interest of the students .
Viewed formally, the group learning a few people surrounded by together round table, have broken the traditional form of seat structure, students above the distance between the equality, beneficial to stimulate the students' desire, strengthening students' active participation of the consciousness. From the learning process look, in group learning, students according to the study, through specific target of the discussion, the operation, the exchange, to make every achieve learning goals for all students, to experience the fun of learning successfully, further call up the students to participate in the study of desire. Students participate in teaching greatly increases the chance, to raise students' comprehensive ability, make every student has a chance to show themselves.
Second, cooperative learning group training students' active explore knowledge ability
In the group learning process, the teacher is not the existing knowledge to students, but to provide adequate time and space,追问是自己写的吗?

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