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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-02 16:24



热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 23:57

Thank you very much for the recommendations made have already been modified in accordance with the rules. The body of one of the number of pages did not refer to the literature, as well as the number of pages contain images included, because the experiment involves a large number of pages, some in excess of the range, I wonder if it is required must cut? Before in order to ensure consistency of image size, adjust the image size, I do not know whether the article in order to maintain the original image size? The presentation has been issued by the original size of the restoration of images. Are because of your contributions to the first, for the presentation, what changes, but also trouble many of your advice!

热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 23:56

We will make every effort to sell many. We plan to complete a minimum of 600 boxes today, so I hope you will give us a good price. We will 100% T / T in advance payment

热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 00:03

Thank you very much for the recommendations made have already been modified in accordance with the rules. The body of one of the number of pages did not refer to the literature, as well as the number of pages contain images included, because the experiment involves a large number of pages, some in excess of the range, I wonder if it is required must cut? Before in order to ensure consistency of image size, adjust the image size, I don·tknow whether the article in order to maintain the original image size? The presentation has been issued by the original size of the restoration of images. Are because of your contributions to the first, for the presentation, what changes, but also trouble many of your advice

热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 23:56

One page of text and images without reference to contain pages included in this experiment, the content involved because some more, beyond the prescribed scope page, whether certain need to cut? To ensure consistency before the image size, the image size is adjusted, don't know whether to keep the original image size? This manuscript has been restored the original image starts. Due to contribute your first, for the manuscripts what amendments to bother you much, teach!

热心网友 时间:2024-07-17 00:02

Thank you very much for your advice in accordance with regulations, have modified. One page of text and images without reference to contain pages included in this experiment, the content involved because some more, beyond the prescribed scope page, whether certain need to cut? To ensure consistency before the image size, the image size is adjusted, don't know whether to keep the original image size? This manuscript has been restored the original image starts. Due to contribute your first, for the manuscripts what amendments to bother you much, teach!
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