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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 12:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:57

The scale of software projects is expanding with the development of computer and information technology. Software procts must be developed more swiftly and possess better function, performance and quality. Therefore, as for software enterprises, enhancing project management is imperative in order to improve competitiveness.
A software project is composed of five processes, starting, planning, controlling, executing and ending. In contemporary software engineering, the great difficulty of carring out project management lies mainly in many software enterprises' lack of correct and feasible methods of planning and controlling. Solving these problems of project management is a significant guarantee for successfull software engineering.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:58

The software program is growing with the developement of the computer and information technology. The software proct must be developed more quickly and should have better function, capability and quality. For the software companies, they must enhance their program management to be more competitive.
The software program can be divided in to several parts, they are starting, planing, controlling, executing and ending, while now the program management in the software project is hard to carry out. It is mainly because that most of the software companies lack of correct and feasible methods in planning and controlling. So solving the problems of the program management is an important precondition of a successful software project.
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