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Make A Difference 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-30 00:48



热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 02:19

歌曲名:Make A Difference
歌手:Marie Palm
专辑:All About Love

Lala Moore with CoCoRoCo - Make A Difference
Music & Arranged : Jun Wakita
Words : MARI
Genre : Gospel
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
When the world seems so lost in itself
and you feel that life is not so easy on you
Don't forget that you're not by yourself
For together we can make this world a better place
Give it a chance (There's time to save this planet now)
Give us a hand
Find the way to help Mother Earth (It is not too late to give her a chance)
Help make her proud (We can work a way to building up a new future)
Twinkling stars are watching us
The twinkling stars watching from above (Keeping an eye on us)
What we do today can make another difference (Open Your heart and your mind)
What we do today can make another difference (To the world now)
What we do today can make another difference (Open your heart and your mind)
What we do today can make another difference (To the world, do it now)
Together we can build a better world
Together we can make it better now
Together we can build a better world now
Together we can make it better now
Together we can build a better world
Together we can make it better now
Together we can build a better world Now's the time
Together we can make it better
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, yes you can
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams, follow your heart
Follow your dreams
Follow your dreams!

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