发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 19:58
热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:36
noting at all热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:37
it is nothingThank you. You are welcome.那没什么,不用谢。That's all right,you're welcome.算不了什么,不用谢 Forget it 不用谢,我不要任何报酬,不用记在心上。No thanks,I don't want any payment - skip it.我知道你很感激,不过那没什么,不用谢。I know you're grateful,but that's all...
这不算什么的英文Nothing to be mentioned.
一次考试不算什么重点是自己努力就好用英文怎么翻译One exam doesn't count / matter / One exam is nothing. What is important is to work hard / What is important is that you must study hard yourself.
你说了不算用英语怎么说? 谢谢It's not up to you.
你算什么。 用英语怎么说这句话的英文可以是:what are you。一般用于比较愤怒、不屑等情感时候用到的一句话。例句:1、我才是真正的大牛,你算什么?I am real big ox, what are you?2、你算什么,美国讨厌鬼代言人还是?What are you, like spokesperson for geeks of America or something? 3、希尔弗喝道,你算什么东西,汤姆-摩根?
英语日常用语51. Never mind.不要紧。 52. No problem! 没问题! 53. That's all! 就这样! 54. Time is up. 时间快到了。 55. What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 56. Count me on 算上我。 57. Don't worry. 别担心。 58. Feel better? 好点了吗? 59. I love you! 我爱你! 60. I'm his fan。
“算不算”用英语怎么说?算不算应该译成:does it count?但不同情况确实有不同更好的译法,如 Is he really one of your friends? 但意思略有不同了,是指他真的是你的朋友吗?所以总的说来,应该用does it count 如:does watching TB count?
“算了”英文怎么说?算了:1. let it be 2. let it pass 例句与用法:1. 算了,别放在心上。Forget it.2. 我以为能负担得起那费用, 后来认真估算了一下才知道过於昂贵.I thought I could afford it, then I costed it out properly and found it was too expensive.3. 我们计算了成本, 清楚表明这项工程不...
算了的英文算了的英文:forget it。在日常生活中,“算了”经常出现在各种场合。当面临一些无法改变的困难或者事实时,我们可能会说“算了”,意味着接受现实,不再耿耿于怀。这种接受是一种智慧,它让我们能够顺应变化,放下执念,更好地面对未来。比如,当我们尝试了很多方法却依然无法改变一个局面时,我们可能...
empty 英文怎么读? 音标不是很懂 用中文说下吧英文发音:[ˈempti]中文释义:adj.空的;空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的;空虚的;无意义的 例句:My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.在遇到他之前,我的生活非常繁忙却很空虚。短语:1、almost empty 几乎没有 2、nearly empty 几乎没有 3、feel empty 感觉空虚 4、...