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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-28 21:57



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 22:43

"Mount Taishan doesn't refuse thin Rang, past can become its Gao;River's sea doesn't choose small stream, past bility it deep."
"Don't accumulate Huo to tread, have no to don't accumulate to a long distance small flow, have no to become river's sea".Want to achieve some kind of businesses, have to commence from the detail, persistently pursue great, pursue different, end"painting the tiger doesn't become an anti- dog".
The detail is ordinary, is no wonder, a words, an action, 1 reads to think ……the detail be like pebbles similar and insignificant, is neglect very easily, but can't despise it, it probably achieves the brilliancy of your whole life, can also ruin your one a life time of astute.
The first semester of high school ended, the teacher give my quit speech be "detail decision success or failure".I involuntarily conducting to my study, behavior introspected in of the brain.The study progressed, result or Gao or low, I am in the earnest concern and work well each detail problem in study?Did whether each an is all earnest or not do?, Did whether each word is all earnest or not write?Did whether an each lesson is all earnest or not listen to?Did each problem in the heart all solve?Have to aware of self to be aware of the own professional as the detail problem of norm and thought morals?
The ancients cloud:"Not with kind small but not is, not with bad and small but is it."The behavior of the civilization isn't at the other people to eye under intentionally earth's surface oneself now, but is to develop gradually from a good behavior habit, not a dynasty the one night can achieve of matter, nearby each details develop our classrooms.
Make us practical to work well each small link, the matter started to do since the childhood, worked well a detail, the successful footstep will come of faster!
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