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Give It Up歌词 是Hard-Fi的那个。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 15:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 02:53

[00:-4.00]Hard-Fi - Give It Up
[00:30.19]Just like a politician, always playing to the crowd
[00:37.88]Changing his position, whatever to be crowned
[00:44.40]I see the store detective, he’s always follow me about
[00:52.26]But man you’ve gotta get real cos there’s nothing to steal let me out!
[00:59.59]Give it up! Give It Out!
[01:04.23]Wanna scream wanna shout
[01:08.18]Easy come, easy go, let it roll
[01:16.10]Well there’s a bomb in New York City
[01:19.67]Feels like we’re hanging by a thread
[01:23.80]Well do you worry and fret or just try to forget? I confess I don’t now…
[01:31.28]Give it up! Give It Out!
[01:35.17]Wanna scream wanna shout
[01:38.90]Easy come, easy go, let it roll
[01:45.40]Give it up! Give It Out!
[01:51.18]I love you baby when you scream and shout
[01:54.57]Just wanna lose control,let it roll
[02:01.15]Let it roll
[02:02.66]Give it up, give it out
[02:05.30]You know you make me wanna scream and shout
[02:11.05]Singing hey la la…
[02:19.45]You’ve got to get it, you get to me
[02:34.90]Give it up! Give It Out!
[02:38.55]I love you baby when you scream and shout
[02:42.34]Wanna feel you, in my soul
[02:46.28]Let it roll
[02:49.75]Give it up! Give It Out!
[02:54.32]Wanna scream wanna shout
[02:58.22]Easy come, easy go, let it roll
[03:04.80]Give it up! Give It Out!
[03:09.62]I love you baby when you scream and shout
[03:13.31]Before you lose control
[03:16.74]Let it roll
[03:21.08]Give it up, give it out...


热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 02:53

Though the job is difficult,I will never give it up. 或者The job is difficult,but I will never give it up. 你的句子没有连词,实际上是2个追问是歌词啊...你回答的什么...

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