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以live and let live为题的作文120字左右

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 15:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 19:35

In our life there can be several occa­sions when we may have
differences with others. Two human beings cannot exactly be the same in
physical structure or in mental make up.

Variety is there in all nature and it adds up to the beauty of
nature. So, vari­egated opinions are always more beautiful and charming.
They add taste to dull and desolate human life. They are the essence of
democratic thinking. Regimentation, uni­formity and similarity are the
attributes of a Dictatorial and Fascist attitude.

There have been great cruelties and persecutions in the world in the
name of religion, nation, race and caste. Innocent people have been
tortured and maimed. Even little children and women have not been
spared. Ever since the creation of this world, the poor animals have
borne the brunt of human wrath.

We must all realize that this world is the only place where all of us
have to live. We have no other world where we may run away. The best
course for us is to adopt the policy of “Live and Let Live.” This is
what great men like the Buddha and Guru Nanak have taught us.

We should not forget the fact that God is the one creator of this
universe. He has created all kinds of creatures in this world. They are
all supposed to live in peace and harmony. Man is the crown of all
creation. He claims to be the only civilized creature. At least, he
should learn and follow the policy of universal love, peace and
brotherhood. Narrow parochial, linguistic, racial, religious and even
national aspirations should be given up. Let there be one World
Govern­ment, one world citizenship. The policy of “Live and Let Live” is
the dire need of the time.

source : http://www.shareyouressays.com/1411/short-essay-on-live-and-let-live-free-to-read
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