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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 13:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 18:20

Cao Chongcheng elephant

Once, Wu Guosun the power gives Cao Cao an elephant, Cao Cao is extremely happy. The elephant transports to Xu Chang that day, Cao Cao leads civil and military hundred official and little son Cao flushes, looked together.

Cao Cao's people have not all seen the elephant. This elephant also Gao Youda, the light said the leg has the main hall the pillar to be that thick, the person approaches to compare, but also does not suffice its belly.

Cao Cao said to everybody that, "This elephant really is big, but has multiple? Your which has the means to call it a name?" Hey! Big can the such fellow, how call! Ministers discussed in abundance.

Said that, "Only makes one 杆顶 greatly goes against the big scale to call."

Another said that, "This may have to make a big steelyard! Also, the elephant is live, also does not have the means to call! I looked only had it butchered, slivered the block name."

His speech just said, all people all 哈哈大笑. Everybody said that, "Your this means, really are stupid extremely! In order to weigh the weight, while still alive butchered the elephant, is not a pity?"

Ministers had thought many means, one each one all do not work. Really feels embarrassed the person.

By now, went out a child from the crowd, said to Cao Cao: "The daddy, I have a law, may call the elephant."

Cao Cao as soon as looked that, is precisely he most beloved son Cao flushes, smiles was saying: "Does your small small age, what method have? You but actually that, looked makes sense."

Cao Chongba the means said. Cao Cao as soon as listens to applaud again and again, about told prepares to call the elephant immediately, then said to ministers: "Walks! We to the riverside looked called likely goes!"

Numerous ministers follow Cao Cao to arrive the riverside. In the river stops a steamship, Cao Chongjiao the person likely is pulling on the ship, and so on the hull has stabilized, on broad side uneven water surface place, has engraved a road road. Again is called the person likely to pull the ashore to come, 大大小小 the stone, place installs together toward the ship on, the hull little little toward sinks. The hull sank to that road road and the water surface which engraved a moment ago has been equally uneven, Cao Chongjiu made one to stop installing the stone.

Ministers opened the eyes the big eye, how at first also couldn't find out was a matter, saw here cannot help but repeatedly commended: "Good means! Good means!" Now everybody understood, so long as the ship in stone all called, adds the weight, knew likely had multiple.

Cao Cao was naturally happier. He narrows the eyes the eye to look at the son, also complacently looks ministers, looks like in the heart to say: "You also were inferior to I this little son is intelligent!"
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