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The Renminbi first came out not long before the new China was set...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 12:54



...out nut long before the new china was set up in 1949翻译成汉语...



The Immortal Bridge(Chinese: 仙人桥; pinyin: Xiānrén Qiáo), a natural landscapeMount Tai is a tilted fault-block mountain with height increasing from the north to the south. It is the oldest example of a paleo-metamorphic formation from the Cambrian Period in eastern China. Known as the Ta...

Reference Rate是什么意思?

reference rate[英][ˈrefrəns reit][美][ˈrɛfərəns ret]参考汇率,参考利率;例句:1.China's central bank set the renminbi reference rate against the dollar at a new high on thursday.中国央行周四将人民币兑美元的参考汇率上调至新高。2.That came ...

中文翻译成英文 关于网络的 谢谢!!

to be extended to more white-collar oriented with the majority of network communities. Internet users grow into "avalanche" period. Figures from the Ministry of Information Industry, China's new Internet users per month growth rate of 5% to 6%, the most rapid growth among global co...


the shift could unleash as much as 10 trillion renminbi in net new consumption over the next five years--an enormous opportunity for banks and retailers.China's people now have limited credit options. Mortgages account for 90 percent of lending to consumers, who have few choices in...


I had a long one year old.This day I and mom and dad to discuss how to use the new year's money, I think: first e up with 500 yuan deposit to the bank. Then I want to ask my grandpa, grandma, mom and Dad together to eat a hot pot, buy books and school supplies...


Many of the nation's trading firms gave a frosty response to the new policy when it was issued at the beginning of this year, believing it would hurt their business, said Wednesday's China Daily.But Liu Yuqin, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and ...


for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came , she got on the bus. Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time....


As the saying goes, eyes are the window of our hearts. If you can follow the methods mentioned above, you can surely have a good eye sight.翻译:如何去保护我们的视力 众所周知,现在大部分学生都戴眼睛,是因为学习压力导致了近视。在眼睛的帮助下,他们才能看清黑板。这种现象必须引起...


That thought, when the PwC forecast came out on July 4, was definitely giving western investment banks in Hong Kong heartburn, because China still maintains strict limits on their ability to underwrite deals on mainland markets. They probably needn't worry too much, at least not yet. "Hong ...

first last name come out first come in first first before before after before long first name gamefirst comefirst
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