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3 Black Crows 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-07 02:37



热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 07:08

歌曲名:3 Black Crows
歌手:Ritchie Blackmore
专辑:Ghost of a Rose

3 Black Crows
3 black crows were sitting on a fence
Watching the world pass them by
Laughing at humanity and its pretense
Wondering where next to fly...
*And they cackled in joy and dove through the air
Like the winds of a hurricaine
And they spread their wings as if to declare
"Onward , let freedom ring!"
3 black crows were sitting on a fence
Watching the world pass them by
3 black crows are sitting in a tree
Looking down on mankind
Loving how it feels to be so free
Leaving us far behind...
And they cackled in joy and dove through the air
Like the winds of a hurricaine
And they spread their wings as if to declare
"Onward , let freedom ring!"
3 black crows are sitting in a tree
Watching the world pass them by
And they cackled in joy and dove through the air
Like the winds of a hurricaine
And they spread their wings as if to declare
"Onward , let freedom ring!"

3 Black Crows 歌词

3 Black Crows 3 black crows were sitting on a fence Watching the world pass them by Laughing at humanity and its pretense Wondering where next to fly...And they cackled in joy and dove through the air Like the winds of a hurricaine And they spread their wings as if to de...

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