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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 10:10



热心网友 时间:2024-05-14 19:16

Kong Rong gave away bigger pears孔融让梨
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a person called Kong Rong. He was very smart ever since he was a little boy. He had five older brothers and one younger brother.东汉时候,有个叫孔融的人。他小时候很聪明,有五个哥哥,一个弟弟。
One day his father bought some pears, picking one of the largest and giving it to Kong Rong deliberately. But Kong Rong shook his head and picked up the smallest one.一天爸爸买了一些梨子,特意捡了一个最大的给孔融,孔融却摇头不要,拿了一个最小的梨。
His dad was very curious, and asked: “Why?”爸爸很好奇,就问:“为什么呢?”
Kong Rong said: “I am younger, so I should eat the smaller pear, and brothers should eat the bigger ones.”孔融说:“我年纪小,我吃小梨,大的给哥哥吃。”
His dad was very glad after hearing his words, but asked further: “What about your younger brother who is younger than you are?”爸爸听后很高兴,又问:“那弟弟比你还小呀?”
Kong Rong said: “I am older than him, so I should leave the bigger one to my little brother.”孔融说:“我比弟弟大,我是哥哥,我应该把大的留给小弟弟吃。”
Later, Kong Rong became a great scholar.后来,孔融成为了一个很有学问的人
孔融让梨 英语怎么说?

Kongrong lets pear let用三单


1、英文版 When Kong Rong was four years old, he ate pears with his brothers. Kong Rong always took small meals.Someone asked him why he did it. He answered, "I'm young, and I have a small appetite. It's reasonable to take a small one. "Because Kong Rong was so smart...


Kong Rong gave away bigger pears孔融让梨 In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a person called Kong Rong. He was very smart ever since he was a little boy. He had five older brothers and one younger brother.东汉时候,有个叫孔融的人。他小时候很聪明,有五个哥哥,一个弟弟。On...


Kong Rong lets pears Kong Rong was smart in his childhood, studious, Zaisi agile, making phone calls, Clever Answer, we Doukua He is an odd child. 4-year-old, he has been able to recite many of Poetry, and understand rites, the parents love him.One day, his father bough...




孔融让梨 英语翻译:He saw one very small pear. "This pear is for me," he said. "I will eat it."Kong Rong gave the big pesrs to has grangparents,parents,sisters and brothers. Kong Rong,a Chinese little boy had a big family.One day,there were many pears. Father said,"...

孔融让梨 英文版



孔融让梨用英语来讲:Confucius Rong was born in Qufu, Shandong Province in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was the 20th grandson of Confucius. His great-grandfather, Confucius Shang, served as Taishou, and his father was Confucius Zeus, the capital of Mount Taishan.Kong Rong biography ...

孔融让梨 用英文 正确说法 应该怎么说呢?

孔融让梨(How does Kongrong share the pears?)In ancient China there was a smart boy named kongrong. He was so clever that he was able to recite many poems even when he was four. But he was known not especially for his intelligence but for his respect and love for his ...


” He answered: because I am a younger brother. The biggest one should be for my eldest brother.” His father asked again: “But you have a younger brother. You are older than him.” Again the lad replied: “Yes I am older than he, so I should leave the bigger ones ...

孔融让梨的英语阅读 孔融让梨英语翻译 孔融让梨英语故事简短 孔融让梨英语剧本台词 孔融让梨用英文怎么说 孔融让梨的翻译 孔融让梨的故事简写 孔融让梨给我们的启示 孔融让梨是假的
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