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朋友们帮忙把一段中文翻译成英文 有关诚信原则的 会法律英语的翻译更好...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-05 12:56



热心网友 时间:2024-06-22 18:03

The principle of good faith as the one of the fundamental principles of civil law, not only directly reflects the essence of civil law, but also the performance of the legislator's intention, but it is also citizens should comply with the minimum of moral bottom line. This principle is of great significance not only in legislation, in judicial practice, play an equally important role. Of good faith principle is that economic activity in the market as a fundamental rule of law, but also we are implementing the CPC Central Committee and the basic principles of rule of law, the principle of good faith is a kind of moral meaning of legal norms.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-22 17:59

Honesty and credit principle as the basic principles of the civil law, not only embodies the essence of civil law directly, but also the intention, lawmakers and it is also the citizen should comply with the minimum moral bottom line. This principle in the legislation are not significant in judicial practice, also plays a role. Honesty and credit principle of market economy activity is a basic rule of law, but also we implement the basic principles of the rule of law, the principle of honesty and credit is one kind has the moral connotation of legal norms.应该差不多吧。
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