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求in the end前奏谱子!简谱也可以!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 20:02



热心网友 时间:2024-05-17 04:54

  歌曲名:In the End
  歌手/乐队:Linkin Park

  Eb|--------------------| repeat x4
  The Intro pops around the song i think it starts playing at the first part of "I’ve put my trust in you..." and then stops at the second part.
  It is also played at the end 4 times.

  This is supposed to be feedback but I wtoe it as tab
  it starts when the vocals come in and runs through the whole song but it stops at the first part of "I’ve put my trust in you..."
  (Lyrics are at the bottom of the page)

  Eb|-11/18-14-13-14-11-| Repeat through whole song


  E G D C
  Eb|-----------------------| repeat x2

  This is played over the second part of "I’ve put my trust in you..."

  In The End

  It starts with one thing
  I don’t know why
  It doesn’t even matter how hard you try keep that in mind
  I designed this rhyme
  To explain in e time
  All I know
  Time is a valuable thing
  Watch it fly by as the penlum swings
  Watch it count down to the end of the day
  The clock ticks life away
  Its so unreal
  Didn’t look out below
  Watch the time go right out the window
  Trying to hold on, but didn’t even know
  Wasted it all just to watch you go
  I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
  What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

  I tried so hard
  And got so far
  But in the end
  It doesn’t even matter
  I had to fall
  To lose it all
  But in the end
  It doesn’t even matter

  One thing, I don’t know why
  It doesn’t even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind
  I designed this rhyme, to explain in e time
  I tried so hard
  In spite of the way you were mocking me
  Acting like I was part of your property
  Remembering all the times you fought with me
  I’m surprised it got so (far)
  Things aren’t the way they were before
  You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
  Not that you knew me back then
  But it all comes back to me (in the end)
  You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
  What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I


  I’ve put my trust in you
  Pushed as far as I can go
  And for all this
  There’s only one thing you should know (2x) Chorus
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