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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 15:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 10:03

business Participants

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 10:04


热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 10:04

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China Export commodities Fair, known as Guangzhou Trading Fair as well, was firstly held in the spring of 1957. The fair is held twice a year in the spring and autumn after that and enjoys more than 40 years history. Guangzhou Trading Fair is listed one of the most influential international trading fairs in the world for its longest history, highest level, the most participants and the best cont


Following the developed of the Guangzhou trade fair, it could not provide the needs of the participants and the buyer from global. For this reason, from the year of 2001, it was holding four times a year instead of two times a year. 97'' Guangzhou trade Fair (spring) included the following aspects: Instry, weave and costume, foodstuff and medication for the first time; Consumable and present for the second time.


As the most famous International trade fair, Guangzhou trade fair made a great contribution to the China''s foreign trade. <<China Daily>>, being the only one authoritative newspaper in China, have the responsibility and the ability to promote the Guangzhou trade Fair and the enterprises who want to cooperate with the International companies and promote the marketable. This Special Edition for the Guangzhou trade Fair aims at promoting the international trade cooperation and providing an international cooperation platform for the Chinese enterprises.


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