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急求we are the world 迈克尔杰克逊独唱版本的歌谱。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-07 09:00



热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:09



There is a time when we should hear a certain call 我们听到了召唤
Cause the world, it seems it's written in these lines
Cause there's a chance for takin'需要作出一个选择
In leading our own lives引导我们的生命
It seems we need nothing at all表明我们需要的微乎其微

I used to feel 我曾经觉得
I should give away my heart我应该付出我的心
And it shows that we are needed in there它表明在那里需要我们
Then I read the headlines然后我读了启示
And it said that got in there它说在那里了需要我们
And it showed that we are in there它表明,我们在那里

We are the world,we are the children天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子
We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天
So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出
There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择
We're takin all our lives我们在付出我们的生命
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。

Given your heart付出你的真心
And you will see that someone cares你会看到有人在乎
'cause you know that they can't feed them all原因你知道,他们无法养活他们所有
Then I read the papers然后我读了启示
And it said that you and I它说你和我
And it shows the when we work hard它显示了我们很努力

We are the world,we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子
We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天
So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出
There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择
We're takin all our lifes我们在付出我们的生命
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:09


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:10

网上有的吧 MV里的是50多位歌星一起唱的

热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:09



There is a time when we should hear a certain call 我们听到了召唤
Cause the world, it seems it's written in these lines
Cause there's a chance for takin'需要作出一个选择
In leading our own lives引导我们的生命
It seems we need nothing at all表明我们需要的微乎其微

I used to feel 我曾经觉得
I should give away my heart我应该付出我的心
And it shows that we are needed in there它表明在那里需要我们
Then I read the headlines然后我读了启示
And it said that got in there它说在那里了需要我们
And it showed that we are in there它表明,我们在那里

We are the world,we are the children天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子
We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天
So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出
There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择
We're takin all our lives我们在付出我们的生命
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。

Given your heart付出你的真心
And you will see that someone cares你会看到有人在乎
'cause you know that they can't feed them all原因你知道,他们无法养活他们所有
Then I read the papers然后我读了启示
And it said that you and I它说你和我
And it shows the when we work hard它显示了我们很努力

We are the world,we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子
We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天
So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出
There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择
We're takin all our lifes我们在付出我们的生命
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:09


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:09



There is a time when we should hear a certain call 我们听到了召唤
Cause the world, it seems it's written in these lines
Cause there's a chance for takin'需要作出一个选择
In leading our own lives引导我们的生命
It seems we need nothing at all表明我们需要的微乎其微

I used to feel 我曾经觉得
I should give away my heart我应该付出我的心
And it shows that we are needed in there它表明在那里需要我们
Then I read the headlines然后我读了启示
And it said that got in there它说在那里了需要我们
And it showed that we are in there它表明,我们在那里

We are the world,we are the children天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子
We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天
So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出
There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择
We're takin all our lives我们在付出我们的生命
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。

Given your heart付出你的真心
And you will see that someone cares你会看到有人在乎
'cause you know that they can't feed them all原因你知道,他们无法养活他们所有
Then I read the papers然后我读了启示
And it said that you and I它说你和我
And it shows the when we work hard它显示了我们很努力

We are the world,we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子
We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天
So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出
There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择
We're takin all our lifes我们在付出我们的生命
It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:10

网上有的吧 MV里的是50多位歌星一起唱的

热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:09


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:10

网上有的吧 MV里的是50多位歌星一起唱的

热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:10


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:10


热心网友 时间:2024-05-18 10:10

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