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写一篇有关于“keep our school clean"的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-07 08:10



热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 23:46

keep our school cleanAs a student ,it's our duty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.狼牙月月缺无 | 2011-06-222

热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 23:51

How to keep our school clean?
We all know that everyone wants to live in a clean place, it’s also students’ dream to live in a clean and beautiful school.
I think we should start from ourselves, let us be role models. First of all, I think we shouldn’t spit, it’s very dirty and unhealthy for ourselves. And also, we cannot throw rubbish everywhere, it will make our school so dirty and polluted. Secondly, we’d better not draw on walls of classrooms or school. Thirdly we should sweep the floor very carefully, we need to clean it as carefully and often as possible.
I believe our school will be more beautiful and cleaner!

热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 23:49


公告板里贴了一页公告说,我们要使我们的学校清洁。从而使自己能够在一个清洁的环境里求学。所以我认为,如果想要保持学校清洁。我们就要注意这四个卫生条件,并且要各位同学合作。1. 不随地吐鲿。 2.不乱扔垃圾。3. 不在墙上乱涂乱画。4. 坚持每天认真打扫室内卫生。

keep our school clean

Bulletin board posted in a bulletin that we make our schools clean. We want to make our school clean.So that own can in a clean environment to study.So in my opinion.If want to maintain the school clean.We have to pay attention to the four health conditions and cooperation to all classmates.1.Do nOt spit on the ground 2. Do not throw garbage. 3.Do not in the wall of graffiti. 4. Interior cleaning daily hygiene seriously.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 23:52

How to keep our school clean? We all know that everyone wants to live in a clean place, it’s also students’ dream to live in a clean and beautiful school. I think we should start from ourselves, let us be role models. First of all, I think we shouldn’t spit, it’s very dirty and unhealthy for ourselves. And also, we cannot throw rubbish everywhere, it will make our school so dirty and polluted. Secondly, we’d better not draw on walls of classrooms or school. Thirdly we should sweep the floor very carefully, we need to clean it as carefully and often as possible. I believe our school will be more beautiful and cleaner!

热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 23:43

keep our school cleanAs a student ,it's our duty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can't draw on the wall. what's more ,we must not throw rubbish onto the ground , but it is not enough for us to do this ,we need to make a rule about keeping our school clean,if someone doesn't obey it,he or she will be punished.in my oppion,all of us do some cleaning ,do some useful ,I am sure that our school will be clean everyday.狼牙月月缺无 | 2011-06-222
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