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跪求live to work or live to enjoy? 英语作文,200字以上,谢谢!_百度知...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-09 04:09



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 03:59

Live to enjoy life, work to enjoy life, I can hardly imagine somebody living just to work. They may live for the feeling of accomplishment, or the knowledge and experience that comes with work, but nobody can live to work. Whatever pleasurable emotions are enjoyed, thus we live to enjoy, even when we enjoy work, we are still in fact living to enjoy life, and not work itself.

Different people have different ways of living their life. Some wish to have to have a better life in the future, so they live to work everyday and earn money so that they are able to rest when its time for their retirement. Others think that life is short, and should not live for the future but live for now. Therefore, they enjoy every moments of their life, not thinking about working hard for the future, but only focusing on enjoying their life and being happy. To me, there is more than two options to live for. I can live to work and enjoy it at the same time. For example, work may not be something boring or difficult. It could also be fun. When we work with our partners, we could learn new things and this process of learning could be enjoyable. Therefore, its not about live to work or live to enjoy. Its about living to do what you want and at the same time feel happy about it and don't regret it

热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 04:01



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 03:58


热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 03:54

sorry,my English is poor.
路上捡到一只小狗,请各位大侠鉴定下什么品种。好知道她的习性、好喂养... ...请各位大侠说说他是什么品种狗狗,成年后会多大?谢谢! 麻烦各位大侠能帮我看看这狗是什么品种的狗吗?包括生活习性,血统智商... 求鉴定这是什么品种的小狗...谢谢了。前几天刚买的 各位大侠,请问下面这个小狗叫什么名字 家庭用的开关有多少种怎么用 智能开关安装和普通开关安装的区别 美国缔造者,洛克菲勒家族是如何百年不衰的? 亿万富豪,犹太人洛克菲勒:让自己变聪明的人,有3个“愚蠢” 改病句:汽车质量的好坏,也是保证行车安全的一个很重要条件。 ...大腿就痒,挠完之后就成这样了,大家给看看是怎么 遇到一个男人老是喜欢查看老婆的手机怎么办 四月份火车票还可不可以享受半价优惠 ...多长时间票价大约多少!火车呢~~详细点!我四月份大概去! 学生证四月份买火车票有打着没?五月份有打折没?··· 成都到三海关火车票硬卧四月份的票 预定机票 要订7月份的飞机票在4月份能订吗 过完年想去乌克兰发展那边房价贵吗 ...目隠都市的演绎者这部动漫为什么网上都会出现阳炎这个词,阳炎又是什... 兽兵卫忍风帖阳炎复活了吗 火线与开关并联还是串联? 包头市蒙中医院的医院荣誉 "网页制作"有什么专业的叫法? 左手中指截掉一节半算几级伤残 有谁知道"专题报道"英语怎么译? 中国第二次亚运会是哪一年 我想写一个按键精灵 把某网站的网页上的数据 写入一个数据库 然后买可... 按键精灵在爬虫界的地位是怎样的 形势与政策课的意义是什么? 菩萨蛮咏梅繁体怎么写? 梦见家婆和儿子灵魂的预兆 梦见已故朋友请你召灵魂 网球发球局的站位应贯彻的指导思想是 一分寸等于多少寸 请教分,寸的概念如何换算 8月份游噶尔老城,能看到哪些美景? 上海嘉定老城有哪些适合拍照的景点? 布拉格老城广场的哪些地点适合游客拍照? 芬兰塔林老城的哪些景点值得游客打卡? 惠山泉同空斋同年用坡公韵作者是谁 美利保c级锁芯价格表美利保 宝塔河社区邮编是多少 阻隔防爆材料的邯郸华篷防爆的阻隔防爆技术及产品具有 猫咪换季预防与注意事项 毛泽东和周恩来的区别在哪 搞笑的好字 一起走到是谁唱的? 十八届四中全会《决定》为什么提出探索建立检察机关提起公益诉讼... 权利游戏"hold the door"是什么梗? 怀孕了能吃韭菜水饺吗