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I love her, but dare not say, how can I do?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-09 02:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 07:00

Yes love the bold to say that nothing tweaked. Can also play around with her to express love, no, then find a good friend on behalf of you say. , However, is said to myself a good point. Had not the courage even Shuo Ai, how to assume the task of defending the homeland in the future. Would be the opposite sex despised! Lost an opportunity, it is difficult in the back.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 07:00

It is really a miserable topic.Make me feel not good now.I always believe i am so young and healthy that diseases can not come.But the reality is unpredictable.You can not imagine what will happen in the future.

IF unfortunately,this kind of thing happen on me,i will choose to accompany him and take care of him all the time.Although i have been getting along with him just for two years,he has became one part of my body.Can you abandon a part of your body just because of the disease?Diseases make patients painful.I will try my best to release his severe physical pain.The most important thing is that i will help him confront the disease bravely.I have ever heared that some cancer patients lived more than ten years after diagnosing as cancer .Human have created numerous miracles that many people did not dare imagine.Especially entered into 21th century,the world changed a lot.With the development of science and technolog ,many diseases that doctors knew little about it,now can be healed.The positive attitude is more important for a patient.

Before seeing this topic,i know what i will do if i have to face this issue.We always live happily ,but there are some obstacles before us.I have ever thought that if he can not solve these problems ,i will give him up.But when i imagine leaving him,i could not help tearing.I can not bear the life without him.IF he travel on business or work overtime,i will become neverous and do not know what to do.I believe he is the most suitable person for me.No man can bring more happiness to me.What we can do now is creating a warm home of our own.

This topic remind me of a serious problem.That is social medical security system.It refers to thousands of people.When we get older and older ,we will unavoidable get ill.The cost of treatment is so high.Many people can not stand.In order to cure disease ,many families have to borrow money.IF you are lucky enough,the patients can be healed.IF the God do not help you,lose your nearest relatives and suffer from the debts.We all know developed countries own a better social security system than china.Hope our country can solve this problem as soon as possible.Do not let more families meet with the same tragedy.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 07:01


热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 07:02

To talk with her by writing .
青海摇什么时候火的 宋庄镇都有哪些村 唐山多地解除封控管理、静态管理,市民仍需做好哪些防护? 拼多多上面的旗舰店是正品吗 ...尺是20:1的图纸上,应画多少厘米,在比例尺是1:200的图纸上测_百度知... 4x2=8,4x20=8,4x200=800,我发现了:一个因数不变,另外一个因数乘以几,积... 小学三年级数学上册4X2=8,4X20=80,4X200=800我发现:一个因数不变,另... 描写雪的段落优选好句60句 程序员最低学历是多少 电脑不识别独显了怎么办? 小米长按可以识别图片吗? ...到了阳光底下 就会很明显一层粉 化妆感很重那种感觉。 广州地量行城乡规划有限公司怎么样 二轴是什么意思? 关于友谊的英文单词,仅限于F,R,I,E,N,D,S,H,I,P. 重度昏迷五级的症状 北仑大契去钱湖医院怎么坐车? 梦见长着一对弯弯的角的大水牛站在山坡上静静的看着我!我也不害怕!是... 如何将一个excel工作表批量打印出来? 大专自我鉴定范文 自然灾害的伤害算不算工伤 ...她当干妈,像自己的妈妈一样对待,先拿五六百认干妈 ...导致厂房垮塌,工作人身亡,但是那天没下雨,这可以认定为工伤吗... 认仙家为母什么意思 上班路上被洪水冲走了算工伤吗 信息技术会考些什么 夏天快到了,想买一套游泳装备,想要好点的听说阿瑞娜这个牌子不错,款式... 上海久光百货现在还有speedo 卖吗? 翻译英语 你为什么这么喜欢参加派对呢 厂房漏水如何补漏什么价格 树脂修复氟斑牙多少钱 ...信号放大器要是整天开着的话,大概一个月多少度电? 有线电视信号放大器的用电量 上海电视信号放大器每小时用电量、一个月大概的能用几度电、会很高吗... 扬州市邗江大参林大药房怎么样? 益阳恒祥苑值得买吗? 益阳益阳恒祥苑售楼热线是多少? 益阳益阳恒祥苑地址在哪里? 新注册的微信号多久可以加人? 新微信号刚解别人好几个加我,我同意了,会封吗? 魔术中的人体漂浮是怎么做出来的? 奥迪一键升窗恢复 奥迪一键升窗怎么恢复? 奥迪怎样激活一键升窗? 一个接一个一年级下册怎么删除了 野兰的品格 野兰品格的句子 中荣亲关系的感觉是怎样的呢? 发生一般及以上人身事故、五级及以上 营业执照年检选公示还是不公示