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The Shanghai World Expo(上海世博会)_550字

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-27 05:22



热心网友 时间:2024-04-28 06:27

World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic scientific technological and cultural exchanges serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience exchanging innovative ideas demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.

World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic scientific technological and cultural exchanges serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience exchanging innovative ideas demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.


The World Expo is the post of human civilization. Since the 1851 "world industrial exposition" in London, the World Expo is increasingly being a grand event in the field of global economy, technology and culture, and an important stage for people of all countries to sum up their historical experience, exchange their wisdom, reflect the spirit of cooperation and look forward to future development

With a long civilization China favors international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the support for and confidence of the international munity in its reform and opening up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition to be held in a developing country which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.

With a long civilization China favors international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the support for and confidence of the international munity in its reform and opening up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition to be held in a developing country which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.


China, with a long Eastern civilization, is a country that loves international exchanges and advocates world peace. China has won the right to host the 2010 World Expo, which will be the first registered World Expo to be held in developing countries, reflecting the support and trust of the international munity for China's reform and opening-up Road, as well as the attention and expectation of the world people for China's future development.

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