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急求一篇英语作文"Smoking is harmful to health"

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 12:15



热心网友 时间:2024-06-29 08:34


Although the cigarette case on which says:"Smoking is harmful to health",large quantity of people still go on smoking and can not give it up just because it's a bad habit which deeply blend into their minds.


Undoubtedly,smoking is harmful to health.Because an cigarette contains as much as twenty carcinogen and among all the canser,lung cancer mortality rate ranks the first caused mainly by cigarettes.


Smoking is not only harmful to the smokers but also the people around them like their families and colleagues.We call this "second-hand smoke",and second-hand smoke may cause the same lung damage as smoking eleven cigarettes a day.


热心网友 时间:2024-06-29 08:35

Smoking is harmful to health
Although the cigarette case on which says:"Smoking is harmful to health",large quantity of people still go on smoking and can not give it up just because it's a bad habit which deeply blend into their minds.
Undoubtedly,smoking is harmful to health.Because an cigarette contains as much as twenty carcinogen and among all the canser,lung cancer mortality rate ranks the first caused mainly by cigarettes.Smoking is not only harmful to the smokers but also the people around them like their families and colleagues.We call this "second-hand smoke",and second-hand smoke may cause the same lung damage as smoking eleven cigarettes a day.
At present,more and more young men even students start smoking at their early age,and this is not a good phenomenon.Because children's lungs are weak and can easily lead to canceration.Therefore,I want to advise the smoking students to give up smoking.Only giving it up can we keep healthy.

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