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"去厕所" 的英语

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-02 03:04



热心网友 时间:2024-05-02 03:11

Simx : 您的回答也很好
但是WongTak Yee 的回答更见详尽和实用. 感谢您的努力!
Excuse me
I'd like to go to the toilet/ bathroom/ washroom/ restroom/ WC/ gents/ ladies/ powder room/ lavatory/ loo. The word "toilet" describes the fixture
also the room containing it; using it to refer to the room is often taken as a sign that the speaker is of low class. Although in most countries
the terms in use are "toilet"
"lavatory" is being rare
more informally "loo" & slangs are "the bog"
"the John". Public toilets were traditionally signed as "Gentlemen" or "Ladies"
and as the Gents or the Ladies; these terms remain in colloquial use. The British term "water-closet (WC)" was an early term for a room with a toilet
it is still used today
but it often refers to a room that has both a toilet & other plumbing fixtures. " WC" is used in the French language
although not as mon as the term "toilet" & pronounced as "VC". In Germany the expression "Klo" (first syllable of "closet") is use
though the term is colloquial & not wele in polite conversation. Many South American countries refer to a toilet as a "Water" which is a term monly found in Spanish dictionaries & which derives from the term "water closet". In the US
"restroom" or "bathroom" are now more monly used. Some Americ prefer "restroom" over "bathroom" because public restrooms rarely have bathtubs. "bathroom" is used to denote a facility that is *** all & often in a residence. The term used to refer only to the room where the bathtub was located
which was usually a separate room. A room with only a toilet and a sink is called a half bath or a powder room. "washroom" is a room where you can wash your hands. Usually denotes a public
mercial or industrial personal hygiene facility In Canada
"washroom" is the most mon term used to refer to the room in the home
but items in the room may be described with the adjective "bathroom". This leads to the seeming paradox of the bathroom sink being located in the washroom. Public facilities are always called "washrooms".
参考: en. ***
英文俚语 - i need a loo. 斯文 D 就系 - i need to goto the washroom. 外国人一定唔会用 toliet 形成为去厕所因 toliet 应该系 toliet bowl. 唔系就咁单一个 toliet 字用的. 我于加拿大读书时先生话我听的. 因我又系话 may i go to toliet? 佢就解释比我听 lak.
May I go to Toliet Please
参考: me
I want to get to the toilet或 lavatory 或washroom.也可以。 若是问人就说 Excuse me
may I know where the washroom或toilet或 lavatory is ?
参考: nil
Last toilet Go to a toilet
i want to go to toilet.
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