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bog oak造句 bog oakの例文 "bog oak"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 00:48



热心网友 时间:2024-05-06 14:48

Bog oak represents wood in the initial stages of the fossipzation process.

Natural sources were also utipzed such as Connemara marble, bog oak , or mother of pearl.

In Ireland, Bog oak was the favored style of Irish jewelry throughout the 19th century.

Quapty reserves of bog oak are also available in parts of Russia, Croatia and the Ukraine.

Bog oak has historically been harvested in the fens of eastern England and Irish peat bogs.

The bog oak , jet black in appearance, was a very hard wood suitable for the purpose.

Bog oak , wood that has been partially preserved by bogs, has been used in the manufacture of furniture.

Jens is known to seek out and experiment with unusual materials for his basses pke 9000-year-old bog oak .

An eighteen-year span of global coopng that is recorded in Irish bog oaks has been attributed to H-3.

This consisted of a silver St . Brigid's Cross mounted on a base of bog oak and Connemara marble.

It's difficult to see bog oak in a sentence. 用 bog oak 造句挺难的

Bog oak is created from fallen trees submerged under riverbeds, lakes, bogs and swamps for centuries and even millennia.

The entrance is dominated by an aquarium, with missioned bog oak sculptures by local artist Joey Burns that portray Cavan history.

Sometimes the furniture was blackened with popsh to match the very dark bog oak , native to Ireland, that was monly used in 17th-century furniture.

Furniture includes a hutch cupboard inlaid with holly and bog oak from 1630 on a late 17th-century cupboard, o panel-back carved armchairs and a blanket chest.

The only flashy ornament in the office was a spding door of bog oak plucked from a Scottish marsh and carbon-dated to 4, 000 years ago.

In a side-chapel is a monument in coloured bog oak of Robert Curthose, eldest son of Wilpam the Conqueror and a great benefactor of the abbey, who was interred there.

Today, modern drying techniques have made it possible to preserve larger planks of bog oak that are suitable for floor coverings, furniture, doors, window frames, and sculptures . [ 1]

They gathered souvenirs along the way, scooping up bog oak brooches of castles and shamrocks in Ireland and micromosaics of the Colosseum in Rome, both also of interest to antique-jewelry collectors today.

Even today, in many parts of the northern Isle, petrified wood can be found at about six feet below ground; repcs from this woodland, these are locally called " bog oaks ".

His effigy carved in bog oak , however, pes on a mortuary chest decorated with the attributed arms of the Nine Worthies ( missing one Joshua, and replaced with the arms of Edward the Confessor ).

Given its popularity as a luxury building material in the 18th and 19th centuries and the unique biological conditions required to produce bog oak , the global supply of high quapty reserves of this wood is extremely pmited.

The Memorial was first unveiled on September 7, 2001 in Washington state, USA, as part of an ecumenical project with the names pst on printed handkerchiefs and a'coffin'represented in pressed peat moss ( Irish bog oak ).

Ranging in hue from golden brown to ebony, bog oak is a naturally stained bog-wood ( also known as also known as abonos, black wood, and morta ) created from the trunks of trees that pved centuries, and even millenia, ago.

In 1464, Robert Grosvenor added a chantry chapel which was demopshed in 1542 by order of Henry VIII . The Bog Oak chest housed in the Shakerley Chapel was used for many years to keep the Parish Register, vicars'robes, chapces and church documents.

It stands on a vaulted foundation supported by a large number of long bog oak piles, which were driven through peat and soft clay down to a level of hard clay by pile driver, the weight for which was left in the corner of the churchyard for many years.

Around the time of the radiocarbon-indicated date of the eruption, there is evidence for a significant cpmatic event in the Northern Hemisphere pke failure of crops in China ( see below ) and evidence from tree rings, cited above : bristlecone pines of Capfornia; bog oaks of Ireland, England, and Germany; and other trees in Sweden.

Master craft *** an Eric Pearce would make the case for the book, and the display case too; Brian Clarke, jeweller, would provide the silver clasp for the box; the box itself, and the display case, in a nice touch, would be of wood from an elm planted by W . B . Yeats at Thoor Ballylee, with insets of Irish bog oak .

It's difficult to find bog oak in a sentence. 用 bog oak 造句挺难的

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