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kacey的merry go 'round中英歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-31 14:09



热心网友 时间:2024-06-01 13:20

Merry Go 'Round
Kacey Musgraves

If you ain't got two kids by 21,
You're probably gonna die alone
At least that's what tradition told you.

And it don't matter if you don't believe,
Come Sunday morning you best be there
In the front row, like you're s'posed to.

Same hurt in every heart.
Same trailer, different park.

Mamas hooked on Mary Kay
Brothers hooked on Mary Jane
And Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down.

Mary Mary quite contrary,
We get bored so we get married
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,
Where it stops nobody knows...
And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...

We think the first time's good enough,
So we hold on to high school love,
Say we won't end up like our parents.

Tiny little boxes in a row,
Ain't want you want it's what you know,
Just happy in the shoes you're wearin'.

Same checks we're always cashin',
To buy a little more distraction.

Cause Mamas hooked on Mary Kay
Brothers hooked on Mary Jane
Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down.

Mary Mary quite contrary,
We get bored so we get married
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,
Where we stop nobody knows...
And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...

Mary Mary quite contrary,
We're so bored until we're buried.
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round...
Merry go 'round...

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
Jack burned out on booze and pills,
And Mary had a little lamb,
Mary just don't give a damn no more.
Merry Go' Round---kacey musqraves 歌词的中文翻译

如同尘埃般落在这里 On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,伴着这简单的乐趣我们一代一代延续 Where it stops nobody knows...没有人知道它什么时候停止 And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...它也从不减速迟疑 We think the first time's good ...

kacey的merry go 'round中英歌词

On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,Where we stop nobody knows...And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...Mary Mary quite contrary,We're so bored until we're buried.And just like dust we settle in this town.On this broken merry go ...


On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,Where we stop nobody knows...And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...Mary Mary quite contrary,We're so bored until we're buried.And just like dust we settle in this town.On this broken merry go ...

Merry Go 'Round的歌词

We get bored so we get marriedAnd just like dust we settle in this town.On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go,Where it stops nobody knows...And it ain't slowin' down, this merry go 'round...We think the first time's good enough,So we hold o...

Merry Go 'Round的歌手信息

Merry Go 'Round获得了十佳乡村单曲。2013年首张个人专辑和Kacey, Shane McAnally, Luke Laird共同制作完成。Kacey Musgraves8岁就开始在“大庭广众“下表演,9岁就创作了自己的第一首歌。而她的创作才能更是在大牌Martina McBride和Miranda Lambert的专辑中有所展现,其中她和Miranda Lambert共同创作的...


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step off、follow your arrow 、merry go round---kacey musgraves(今年格莱美挤掉我霉的赢家哟,是个很强势的新人)everybody、maybe---ingrid michaelson impossible ---james arthur(虽然是翻唱,不过本人觉得更有味道,是英国偶像的冠军呢)一些老歌的例如image、she's gone、the scientist、let it be...

Merry Go 'Round 歌词

回答:歌曲名:Merry Go 'Round 歌手:Kacey Musgraves 专辑:Merry Go 'Round Merry Go 'Round Kacey Musgraves If you ain't got two kids by 21, You're probably gonna die alone At least that's what tradition told you. And it don't matter if you don't believe, Come Sunday ...


Kacey Musgraves—《Merry Go 'Round》If you ain't got two kids by 21,如果21岁还没有孩子 You're probably gonna die alone 你去世时可能还是形单影只 At least that's what tradition told you.至少传统观念这么告诉你 And it don't matter if you don't believe,你不相信上帝也没有关系...

merry go round歌词 merrygoround英文儿歌 merrygoround儿歌 merrygoaround merry一go一round merrygoround意思 merry――go――round merrygoround marrygoround什么意思
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