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亲爱的各位朋友 帮我翻一下下面这段话 急啊!谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-31 04:30



热心网友 时间:2024-06-26 06:55

English country's diet idea different from Chinese, Mr. Lin yutang, said the Anglo-American with "eat" only for a biological machine injection fuel, as long as they ate can keep the body after the meeting, enough to withstand the infection, other bacteria in both wish again. Because of this, the English national diet culture, especially cooking in China, also not only inferior far less than FaYi and other countries. Their traditional food is single, and present some boring dishes introduced from other countries. But then again, English national diet compared to notice nutrition, delicate and dietary tastes balanced, this is their advantages. English country think cuisine is the longing to eat, so only of meat, chicken block "hard food." English country is a rational diet idea, whatever things color, fragrance, taste, shape how, and nutrition must receive the assurance, pay attention to how many calories a day intake of protein, vitamins, etc. Even taste machine-made, also must eat to go down -- because nutritious. This diet idea with English country whole philosophy system is adaptable to a. Metaphysics is the main characteristics of English countries philosophy. English national philosophy for what the object of study, the dedication of the Daniel often something metaphysical academic, form a coherent with each other, and emphasizes on into metaphysical philosophy. This philosophical give English nation bring vitality, make in natural science, psychology and methodology realized the development by leaps and bounds. But in some ways, this his philosophy is greatly up side effect, such as in the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite makings, exquisite service, exquisite cuisine of the raw materials of shape, color collocation; But no matter how luxury high-grade, from Los Angeles to New York, steak are only a kind of taste, no art at all. As the food is chicken, chicken, steak is steak, in spite of collocation, it is in pan, a dish "French sheep row", while puts the mashed potatoes, side lean on lamb cooked beans with, the other side, add a few slices tomatoes becomes. The color contrast, but on all kinds of raw materials in taste each other, mediate, each different flavour, is simple and clear. English country treat let people joy a is their approach, but at the same time, they are more the fete activity as a communication occasions, is a review of the old couple's chance to make friendship, of course is an important occasion to obtain information. Due to the influence of this idea, English country fete not only not heavy eat, and makes fete form diversification, liberalization; Leave no stone unturned for people to create a kind of relaxed, appropriate and fun atmosphere, let people free to enjoy the rare good time.
取暖炉和材火灶的区别 一个圆锥形机器零件,底面积是27平方厘米,高5厘米.这个零件的体积是多... 一个圆锥体一个圆柱体它们的高和体积分别相等圆柱体的底面积是九平方... ...的棱长。已知正方体的体积是27立方厘米,求圆锥的体积。 ...内装满水王老师把一个底面积是27平方厘米的圆锥形物体全部 一个圆锥,体积是108立方厘米,底面积是27平方厘米。这个圆锥的高是多少... ...把一个底面半径是十厘米,高是27厘米的圆锥形铝锭放 ...装满水,放入一个底面积是27平方厘米的圆锥,水溢 个圆柱和一个圆锥的高和体积都相等,圆锥的底面积是27立方厘米,圆锥的底... 卡威游骑兵哪里生产 卡威哪里生产的 ...网上也找不到,就是想要个《生命的云彩》的吉他谱,这歌是憨八龟的故... ...坐火车好还是坐长途汽车,在时间短的前提下安排便宜的 从重庆万州到河南濮阳怎么走 宜兴到南漕南路怎么走,有直达车吗 从宜兴中医院坐什么公交车到南漕 钢筋工操作流程与禁忌目录 工程技术(钢筋加工要点总结) 你不相信爱情以后,觉得生活有变化吗? 防患与未然是什么意思? 冬季想要管好果园,有什么管理技巧? 大卡和卡路里有什么区别? 形容祖国的四字词语有哪些? 火影忍者ol无差别格斗什么时候出 你知道德国人是哪个民族的吗? 拉萨市堆龙德庆区邮政编码 包法利夫人剧情介绍包法利夫人英国2000年蒂姆费威尔执导电影简介 吃北京烤鸭时用的那个酱怎么做? 车子启动需要预热吗? 请教一下9.5代的雅阁混动车主。? 爱情睡醒了中谁演沈宛心 冬至饺子夏至什么冬至饺子夏至吃啥呢 第一次和女朋友的父母吃饭,要注意些什么啊 叮嘱和叮咛的用法 宁波有哪些五星级酒店 打开天窗说亮话是什么动物 打开天窗说亮话猜一动物 十二月请对我好点心情语录十二月请对我好点心情句子精选 璧山有哪些特色小吃 大连名仕国际是学区房吗? 大连名仕国际是什么样的产权 名仕国际公寓怎么样?好不好?值不值得买? 比喻想做官而没有途径,希望别人能助一臂之力的诗句是什么?? 被离婚能要求赔偿吗 许多玄幻小说中有传音一说,现实生活中可能存在吗,为什么? 传音筒内声音的传播依靠的是什么介质? 为什么要大声一些 益年堂中医诊所是真的假的? 邱向春中医诊所怎么样 瞻什么顾什么的词语瞻x顾x式的四字词语 火针配合中药治疗真的能有效祛除痘印吗?