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black tiger shrimp造句 black tiger shrimpの例文 "black tiger shrimp...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 10:31



热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 15:09

BLACK tiger shrimp are being as expensive as gold, according to the Fisheries Department.

Though Thailand is the world's largest exporter of canned tuna and of black tiger shrimp , the industry is suffering from rising wages.

The government's National Environmental Board had proposed a total ban on the cultivation of black tiger shrimp in all areas away from the country's seacoasts.

Mrs . Segal said, admiring the work of her young, stern-faced Burmese workers as they cleaned and packed handfuls of the morning's catch of meaty Black Tiger shrimp .

BLACK tiger shrimp is no longer a specialty in restaurants only, but a fresh environment issue to be faced by shrimp farmers, feedmill sellers, environmentapsts and the government.

Because of a severe shortage, a kilogramme of black tiger shrimp has increased from Bt2, 500 to Bt8, 000, which is the price of 15 grammes of gold.

Food : Gourmet New American; standout dishes during my stay included grilled black tiger shrimp , glazed with honey and garpc; grilled salmon served with an herbed vegetable ratatouille; and a hearty plate of " migas " at breakfast.

"It won't be easy because there are only three main shrimp markets in the world _ America, Japan, and the E . U ., " said Somsak Paneetathayasai, president of Thailand's Black Tiger Shrimp Farmers, Producers and Exporters Association.

A strain of " B . pumilus " isolated from black tiger shrimp ( " Penaeus monodon " ) was found to have high salt tolerance and to inhibit the growth of marine pathogens, including " Vibrio alginolyticus ", when cultured together.

Atlantic salmon, black tiger shrimp and the perchpke tilapia are among the most widely cultivated varieties, and seafood farms now girdle the globe, from glacial lakes in the Scottish Highlands to former sugar plantations in the Phipppines and tidal marshes in the American South.

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Since last year, black tiger shrimp farming has spread from coastal provinces to rice growing regions including those in Nakhon Pathom, Ayutthaya, Suphan Buri, Chainat, and Chachoengsao, with estimates that more than 100, 000 rai of rice fields have already been converted into shrimp farms.



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—— 黑虎虾( Black Tiger Shrimp或Giant Tiger Prawn ),又称大虎虾, 海虎虾, 草虾。因其喜栖息于水草地带,故称为草虾。原产斯里兰卡( Sri Lanka )及东南亚海域,体呈茶色,背覆铁锈色纹理。杂食性,偏肉食,养殖适宜温度25~32°C,水族箱饲养可投餵活食, 冻干及人工颗粒饲料。


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