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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 22:40



热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 12:14

Tell you a story:
There was once a fool,
He stupid silly
Any person who asked him any questions,
He would answer "no "
If you did not ask him to dinner, he replied "no"
You ask him how old he answered "no"
Asked him what, he answered "no"
More ...
He would answer no!
Suddenly you hear stories of people asked: "Have you heard this story yet? "
If you listen to stories of people answered "no "
That he is the fool.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 12:09

Here I will tell you a story:
Once there is an idiot
He will answer whatever questions with"No"
If you ask"Have you had a meal?"the anwser will be "No"
If you ask about his age,the answer will be "No"
If you ask about his work,the answer will still be a "No"
Then you make a sudden question to the guy who is "Have you heard of the story?"
If he said"No"
Then he is an idiot

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 12:12

Once there was a loser,

He is stupid, stupid

Anyone ask him any question,

He will only answer is "no"

If you ask him eat not, he replied "no"

You ask how old he is, he still answering "no"

Ask him what work, he still answer "no"


He will only answer no!

Suddenly you ask listening to stories of person: "you heard this story have no?"

If the man replied "listening to story without"

That he is an idiot.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 12:13

Here I will tell you a story:
Once there is an idiot
He will answer whatever questions with"No"
If you ask"Have you had a meal?"the anwser will be "No"
If you ask about his age,the answer will be "No"
If you ask about his work,the answer will still be a "No"
One word,everything is "No"to him
Then you make a sudden question to the guy who is listening:
"Have you heard of the story?"
If he said"No"
Then he is an idiot
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