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Write an essay of comparing and / or contrasting on the title of...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 04:29



热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 17:41

Nowadays more and more people use e-mails to communicate with others from all around the world , but in the past most people write letters .
In my eyes , the main reason why people use e-mails more is that e-mails are more convenent .The arrival of one e-mial when it is sent only need seveval seconds , while one letter need three days at least . Some letters need seveval months if it is sent to the foreign.
At the same time , with the development of Science and Technology , e-mials will take palce the the letters . But waiting for letters is more romantic than do for e-mails . When heard form a letter from quite remote place , peolple will be quite excited . Instead e-mails don't bring people this sense because they are too fast . As a matter of fact people more want to receive a letter from whom they love because this way will make them feel romantic.
In fact using e-mails does good to our environment because it reduces the use of paper .
Using e-mails or letters will have their own goodness . What we do is to use them properly .

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 17:49

Nowadays, with the development of the
Internet, we also seeing that much new Information communication ways
Were invented, the most obvious is e-mails. E-mails replaced traditional
Letters. Why are people prefer to use e-mails?
Firstly, E-mailis faster than traditional letters, E-mail is the best way to sent massages when you can't call to someone, in fact when you want to find someone to tall a news to them, but they don't answer their cell phone is a very bad, maybe now they are very hard working their work at computer, so send E-mail is a good ways. Secondly, I think e-mail is more safe than traditional letters. For example if you sent letters but the post worker make some mistake for your Letters, so the letter will be unable to find the person who is the addressee.
In the end, I'll talk e-mail is really better than traditional letters, at the least it can guarantee that addresses must get the mail, so when you have something wants to talk to your friends use e-mail. Of course doesn't forget to check inbox every day.
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