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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-15 13:29



热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 07:28

The Chinese seal ---- waves Beijing
The conference symbol designs the Chinese seal, named "theChinese seal ----- waves Beijing". It Chinese artistic form and themovement characteristic and so on tradition seal and calligraphy willunify, ingeniously will turn into to run to front, to wave is greetingthe victory the movement human form. Like a dance, launches the doublearm to the world. India is red, is one of colors which the Chinesepeople most likes, it manifested our Chinese nation's enthusiasm, alsomanifested holds the Olympic Games in Beijing is one kind ofjubilation matter, even more manifested 2008 the Beijing Olympic Gamesto be able to bring the good luck to China. Writes in India's underhas "Beijing 2,008" it to remind the people 2,008 Beijing's luckyyear. "Waves Beijing" causes me to think this session of Olympic Gamescan be are full of the energy the Olympic Games.
Let us refuel for Olympic Games.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 07:27

China and India gave a Beijing -----
China and India into the emblem design, entitled "China and India ----- Galloping Beijing." It will the traditional Chinese seal and calligraphy, and other art forms and features of movement, skillfully into a forward run, the victory dance of greeting the campaign dolls. Like dancers, arms start to the world. India is red, the Chinese people like the colour of one of the most, it reflected the enthusiasm of the Chinese nation, it also demonstrated in Beijing to host the Olympic Games is a happy thing, and more reflect the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will bring China to the best of luck. Below printed in a "Beijing 2008" It reminds people of the 2008 Beijing lucky year. "Galloping Beijing" makes me think of this next Olympics will be a vibrant Olympics.
Let us for the Olympic Games refueling it.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 07:33

The Chinese seal,dancing Beijing
The symbol of the Beijing Olympic is designed as a traditional Chinese seal called the "the Chinese seal, dancing Beijing". The seal combined the artistic form of Chinese traditional seal and calligraphy with features of sports and turn it into an atheletic figure which is running and dancing to welcome the vitory. Like a dancer, it open its arms to the world. It is a red seal which was the favourite color of Chinese people and it embody the hospitality of Chinese people and the happiness of holding Olympic Games in Beijing. What's more, it reflect good luck the 2008 Olympic Games will bring to China. Below the seal,there are Beijing 2008 which remind people of the lucky year of Beijing in 2008. The dancing Beijing set up an image of dynamic Olympic Games.
Let's cheer for the coming Olympic!
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