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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 09:53



热心网友 时间:2024-06-18 14:26

King has seven daughters and seven this beautiful princess is the pride of the king. They then a beautiful black hair known far and near. So the king gave them 100 per person beautiful hairpin. One morning, the princess woke up, as usual, finishing with hairpin her hair, they found a small hairpin, so she secretly to the Second Princess of the room, took a hairpin. Second Princess was found a few hairpins, that would take away a three-room Princess hairpin; three little princess found a hairpin, and secretly took away four of the Princess of a hairpin.Four repeated Princess Princess took away five of the hairpin; the same e Princess Princess took six of the hairpin; six Princess Margaret had no choice but to take away the seven hairpin. As a result, seven of the Princess hairpin only 99. The next day, neighbors handsome prince suddenly came to the palace, the king, he said: "Yesterday, I raised a lark Diao back to the hairpin, and I think it certainly belongs to the princesses, and this is a wonderful Fate, I do not know who is out of the hairpin princess? "Princess who heard the matter in the minds want to say:" I was out, I was out. "But obviously the head of the integrity of the other 100 hairpin, so are very upset, but could not. Only seven out of the princess and said: "I lost a hairpin." If only finished a beautiful long hair because of a small hairpin, Pisan all down, could not help but see the prince spent. The outcome of the story, take it for granted that the prince and princess from live together happily ever after.Why do I have tried to make up for deficiencies? 100 hairpin, just as successful in life is perfect, a small hairpin, which will have a complete deficiency; but because of defects in the future will have a tremendous turn for the better, infinite possibilities, might be a worthwhile Happy things! Life can not be free of defects, how do you deal with this? Duode not necessarily avoid the face-off is not necessarily the most uncomfortable alone may not necessarily be unhappy for a long time to not necessarily lose no more.Do not necessarily turn around the weak do not think the world no choice but to say only right or wrong answer to a lot of things are not so there is only one we will never have to go the way you can find a reason for sadness you must be able to find a happy reason to know Rest assured that those who find it easy to forget those who know how to find free care for those who know how to find a friend is not cold weather is bitterly cold winter you would like to warm the hearts of all ....People have grown up along with some of the loss of mature people with some injuries. Fortunately, there is hope that this thing, you can go, and so on; good person to person, resulting from the sense of beauty; good life, happiness than More pain; good in this world, there are many beautiful; good news is when you mature, you is not nothing!
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