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红星中学,red star middle school前是否加the

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 12:40



热心网友 时间:2024-05-30 02:08


热心网友 时间:2024-05-30 02:05

特制 加the
红星中学,red star middle school前是否加the



翻译如下:我是红星中学的一名学生 I'm a student from Red Star middle school

I'm a student of Red Star Middle school是什么意思



你好,很高兴为你解答:My name is Li Hua, is a student from Hongxing middle school.我的名字叫李华 是来自红星中学的学生 望采纳'


Will welcome you to come to me in the Xuancheng Red Star middle school to learn Chinese 将欢迎你来到我在的宣城红星中学学习中文


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I walked into Bijiashan middle school and into the first day of junior high school.Just one day after school, I feel very uncomfortable. Maybe I haven't come out of the happy summer vacation! There is a sour feeling in my heart. I also know that when I first entered the ...


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3. primary school4. super star5. take part in6. a story competition7. a foreigner8. be good at9. go shopping10. on the way to11. ask questions12. use the Internet13. eating habits14. do exercises15. my own bedroom16. a good habit17. very crowed18. a big apartment19. bad ...

at middle school a middle school in middle school redhill school afterschoolred专辑 the weird school middle school意思 middleschool怎么读的 middle school翻译
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