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...thinner,the better?”的英语作文,120-150个字左右!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 21:09



热心网友 时间:2024-06-07 21:30

Nowadays,the stars especially super models,tend to be slimmer and slimmer.For some female stars,the slimmer they become,the more popular they will be.So,it seems that the thinner,the better.Many girls are crazy at losing weight no matter the fat or the thin.
But is it really true of “the thinner,the better”?I don’t think so.There are two reasons why I hold this opinion.
First,beauty is not only good outward appearance but also inside qualities.We know that the exterior beauty will fade as time goes by,but the interior temperament will never die.The woman who attracts people by her internal qualities is the mostcharming.Second,if you lose weight by going on a diet,maybe you will lack the nutrition and become unhealthy or even get illness.The wrong diets can bring many troubles.For example,the short-term weight loss diet may lead to excessive consumption,the long-term way may blunt the edge of appetite.
In a word,keep healthy and be yourself.Don’t insist on losing weight and believe that you are the most beautiful one in the world.
求一篇关于“the thinner,the better?”的英语作文,120-150个字左右...

Nowadays, the stars especially super models, tend to be slimmer and slimmer. For some female stars, the slimmer they become, the more popular they will be. So, it seems that the thinner, the better. Many girls are crazy at losing weight no matter the fat or the thin.But is...

...thinner,the better?”的英语作文,120-150个字左右!

Nowadays,the stars especially super models,tend to be slimmer and slimmer.For some female stars,the slimmer they become,the more popular they will be.So,it seems that the thinner,the better.Many girls are crazy at losing weight no matter the fat or the thin.But is it really t...


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Nowadays, the stars especially super models, tend to be slimmer and slimmer. For some female stars, the slimmer they become, the more popular they will be. So, it seems that the thinner, the better. Many girls are crazy at losing weight no matter the fat or the thin.But is...

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