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Max的《Mum》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 20:05



热心网友 时间:2024-06-22 15:43

专辑:Emotional History

Ironik - Mum
lyrics & listened By Larry Cheng @ LK
to all beloved mum :-)
hello mama, i know we're of ups and downs
but i just want to thank you for everything
without you, i'll be nothing
listen, mama, i know we had arguments, but i'm sorry
i know it's been dead for you, you don't have to worry
it's hard to say sorry
but i'm feeling like command
i'm feeling so dump
but sure you understand
without you
i don't think i can even breathe
believe i've cried sometimes
this gone so deep
sometimes i wonder why i can't even sleep
but i want to thank you for everything in life
i love you, mama
some people will work thing out
and some just don't know why it change
it's the way do what i think is right
in my world your whole life is back
that's the way do what is right
i make the biggest
mistake of my life
don't do it babe
no ho..oh..
na ho..
cos i'm feeling really really happy
while i'm writing this song
and i hope you really like it
cos i'm feeling this is the one
i know it's great sometime
but you are right
i guess it's right true that mamas are always there
cos the guy is looking confused
i'm talking over the truth
i wish i could sometimes understand you
i just want to say
thank you, mama
i'm proud to be here
i'm proud to be your son
it's love
some people will work thing out
and some just don't know why it change
it's the way do what i think is right
in my world your whole life is back
that's the way do what is right
i make the biggest
mistake of my life
don't do it babe
no ho..oh..
na ho..
mama, i just love you
ley, i know you love your mama too
anyone that shares the same feeling right now
just play this to your mama
she'll love you too
it's the way do what i think is right
in my world your whole life is back
that's the way do what is right
i make the biggest
mistake of my life
don't do it babe
no ho..oh..
na ho..
i hope you listening to all the words
again and again
without you i'm nothing
i hope you listening to all the words
again and again
i appreciate everything them
Larry Cheng~~
to all beloved mum~~
find more in Muzique sky~~

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