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...创作背景词曲作者、歌手、感悟等。) 100字左右。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 20:08



热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 15:38

"Lemon Tree" is a song by German band Fool's Garden from the album Dish of the Day, which was released as a single in 1995 and became a major international hit in 1996. The single reached number 26 in the UK charts and remained at number one for several weeks in Germany. It also reached number one in Ireland and later Dustin the Turkey recorded a Christmas-parody called "Christmas Tree". Taiwanese singer Tarcy Su (in both Mandarin & Cantonese)released covers of the song as did Korean singer Park Hye Kyung.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 15:39

知心如我看我的:"Lemon Tree" is a song by German band Fool's Garden from the album Dish of the Day, which was released as a single in 1995 and became a major international hit in 1996. The single reached number 26 in the UK charts and remained at number one for several weeks in Germany. It also reached number one in Ireland and later Dustin the Turkey recorded a Christmas-parody called "Christmas Tree". Taiwanese singer Tarcy Su (in both Mandarin & Cantonese)released covers of the song as did Korean singer Park Hye Kyung.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 15:39


作者:Ed sheeran X (Deluxe Edition)

Loving can hurt
Loving can hurt sometimes
But it’s the only thing that I’ve known
When it gets hard
You know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Our hearts hearts were never broken
And times forever frozen still

So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me close until our eyes meet
You will never be alone
Wait for me to come home

Loving can heal
Loving can mend your soul
And it’s the only thing that I’ve known
I swear it will get easier
Remember that
And it’s the only thing to take with us when we die

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Our hearts were never broken
And times forever frozen still

So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me close until our eyes meet
You won’t ever be alone
And if you hurt me that’s okay baby
Only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I will never let you go
Wait me for me to come home

And you could fit me inside the necklace you wore
When you were sixteen
Next to your heart right where I should be
Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me
But that’s okay baby
Only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won’t ever let you go

When I’m away
I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost back on 6th street
Hearing you whisper through the phone
Wait for me to come home

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