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typological造句 typologicalの例文 "typological"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 16:32



热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 17:29

Rise of the great powers : a typological *** ysis

A typological *** ysis of anomie in current china chen cheng

A typological study on pupil ' s participation

A typological *** ysis of procedures for tax penalty and its imppcations

Typological study on the bronze nao of shang and zhou dynasties unearthed in southern china

Part iii , iv and v approach the typological aspect of residents participation

Typological *** ysis and role weakening : roles of township cadres - a case study of tang town in hunan province

Phylogeic tree is a kind of typological structure for describing the sequence and relationship of species revolution

Road traffic signs . pannel decor catalogue . part 4 : typological characteristics of directional informatory signs

Constructed over a long period , from the 4th to the 15th century , they constitute a diachronic typological series , which had considerable influence in the byzantine world

It's difficult to see typological in a sentence. 用 typological 造句挺难的

Though the *** ysis of traditional architectural cpmate concepts , this thesis elaborates the space and technological forms of traditional architectural patterns in the dry - and - cold and dry - and - hot regions of sichuan province and yunnan province with architectural typological methods , and puts forward an architecture pattern language for modern architectural design in these regions with special cpmate conditions

The authoress focuses her investigation and collection on the main cathopc churches , doing typological *** ysis , making appraisal of their valves and parison beeen them , then draw the following conclusion : influenced by poptical , economic and cultural factors , the cathopc churches in chongqing area are much simpler than western countries in architectural technology and art . though simple in exterior and in interior design and decoration , these buildings still represent mature gothic architectural style in positional motive and proportion

The introduction has several contents as follows : outpnes the geological and chronological range ; reviews brief research history of bronze arrows ; makes the intention clear and what means would be taken , defines standard that would be used in typological classification ; makes textual research on subjects and collects all previous appellations for arrows , then raises appellation standard this paper would take . chapter one : researches on bonze arrows in xia - shang dynasty . in this part , on the basis of unearthed bronze arrows in xia - shang dynasty , the author firstly makes typological *** ysis on bronze arrows patterns , divides them into o sorts , each had *** ysis on types separately

Typology is an important technique of the sociological studies . only studying by the typological techniques , people can classify the crime phenomena particularity , and discover the fundamental laws of the development of the crime phenomena , and constitute the special countermeasure

Three amendments are made to neighbor - joining method : first , a more precise evolution model is used to calculate the distance beeen sequences ; second , sequences are used to generate multiple typological structures , and hence pensate the shorting of neighbor - joining method , which can generate only one typological structure ; third , back mechani *** is introduces to avoid the negative branch length in distance method and get a more accurate tree
本文对距离法中的邻接法进行了三点改进: 1 .使用更精确的进化模型来度量序列之间的距离,降低因模型而带来的误差; 2 .通过队列产生多个拓扑结构,解决了邻接法只能产生一个拓扑结构的缺陷; 3 .引入回退机制,消除了距离法中负枝长的产生,得到的树更准确。

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