发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 16:53
热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 02:43
What the devil is the matter ? (搞什么鬼?) Here I am,sir, as I promised! (我来了,先生,我说过我要来的!嗯 顺便一提 现在我报读的ABC天丅英语中心的外教说过 如果想将英语学好是很容易的..必然具有恰当的学习空间与实习口语对象,这取决于外教资质,最好欧美母语,口语纯正才可以,不间断天天口语学习 1 on 1加强化教学就有更.好.的进步效率 完成课堂后同样要重复复习课堂录音档 更可以加深印象..如果真的无口语交谈的人的话 那么就去 VOA或大耳朵拿到课余教材研习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,短时间语感就加强起来,学习成效是绝对迅速明显的;) To the devilwith you. (见鬼去吧) How dare youspeak of her to me? (你怎么竟敢对我说起她) Really, Becky,how can I ? (说真的,我怎么知道) Don′t make mesuffer like ts! (别让我这样受苦) There′s noneed to get excited. (没有必要激动) But please, Ibeg you to be friends with m now. (但求求你,我岂求你现在跟他做朋友) I have beentoo weak with her. (我对她一直太纵容了) I am wildwith anger. (我气疯了) You don′tcome when you′re wanted, and now you come when you′re not wanted! (需要你的时候你不来,不需要你的时候你倒来了) I want nofurther advice from you. (我不再想听你的意见) I no longertnk of her as my sister. (我不再认她这个妹妹) I′m not goingto be soft with her. (我不会对她来软的) He′s dying oflove for you. (他会因为爱你而被折磨死的) What a trickyou played on m! (你对他施了什么花招) You can judgefor yourself. (你可以自己判断) With thedevil′s help I will make you swallow ts. (看在魔鬼的份儿上,我要让你把它吞下去) He is moremyself than I am .Our souls are the same! (他比我还是自己!我们心心相印) Will theshock be too much for her? (这会不会对她太突然了?) I′ve thoughtof you more than you′ve thought of me. (我想你要比你想我多) You yourwords will burn forever in my memory after you have left me. (你明白在你离开我之后,你的话仍将会烙印在我的记忆中)