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How can I request help on a table order? – World Chef Game guide...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-14 18:13



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 06:56

Ask your fellow players and friends for help with your orders. You can help them too!

How can you get help?

If you are struggling to complete an order for a table you can request help from your fellow players and friends.

Tap on the table which you would like help for and drag the clients order over to the table

If you can not complete the order due to not having the dish in your storage you will be given a pop-up

Press the ‘Ask Friends’ button

You will be given a list of your friends and followers to ask, you can ask all of them or select one to two players.

Now you will see an SOS sign over your table.

You will have 2 help requests every 8 hours, other players can donate as much or a little as they like to help you. They will be able to see that you need help if;

They follow you

You are Facebook, Game Center or Google+ friend

On the Social Market if you have goods for sale

Once a player has helped you, you can see this as your table will now have a blue tick OR the amount they have donated in blue writing. You will also have the option to visit their restaurant too and return the favor.

PLEASE NOTE: – The dishes that other players donate to you do not get saved in your storage, this means if you ask a table to leave, submit the order yourself or store that table you will loose the donated dishes.

Your SOS sign will stay on the table until your order has been completed.

For more help check out our tutorial ->youtube/watch?v=MjPIUlEJ3aM

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