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央视5套《冠军欧洲》2009.3.11晚 说到球迷也有伤感的时候的背景音乐是什...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-17 13:36



热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 22:16

DramaSomeday 是这个不?


(Grace for Graduation)
People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I

Write down tears or write down smile
Wanna a sun or a kiss beyond night
Wave to all in noise or just a quiet
It is time or the mind which can fly

Congratulations to you, let us celebrate the graduation
Drama will be present, let us send the invitations
Someday the words can not say out all of the passion
Someday your eyes can answer all the questions
All the stars (have) fallen in to your eyes
and there are where the moon was waken
All the promises (have) fallen into my heart and never be taken
Someday the words just can not say out all of the reasons
Someday my face changes so do seasons
Find out who you are and don't be afraid of it
Drama someday let's try write down some memories of it
Someday the story is over it's just over then
Hold this breath listen to the song of it

I laugh i cry and I realize
Some will forget you but never will I

People laugh and people cry
Some give up some always try
Some say hi while some say bye
Some will forget you but never will I

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 22:15


热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 22:19

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