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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-15 14:48



热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 10:50

Design Terminology in English

Let's delve into the essential vocabulary used in UI design, where each term carries the essence of crafting engaging user experiences.

UI Elements

Alignment: Ensuring elements are properly positioned on the screen.
Art Base: The foundation of visual design, including styles and aesthetics.
Brand Identity: Visual representation and consistency across a company's products.
Color: A powerful tool for conveying emotion and guiding user actions.
Iconography: The art of creating symbols that represent actions or concepts.
Flat Design: A minimalistic approach with simple, two-dimensional graphics.
Font: The choice of typeface that enhances readability and adds personality.
Hierarchy: Organizing content to guide users' attention from top to bottom.
KV- Key Visual: The primary visual element that represents a product or concept.
Layer: The arrangement of visual elements in a design, creating depth.
Legibility: Ensuring text is easily readable for all users.
Logo: The iconic symbol that represents a brand.
Material Design: Google's design language, focusing on depth and tactile feedback.
Opacity: The transparency of elements, affecting visual weight and depth.
Responsive Design: Adapting to different screen sizes for optimal user experience.
Resolution: The clarity of an image or screen, affecting visual quality.
Sans-serif Typeface: A font style with no small lines or flourishes.
Serif Typeface: Fonts with small lines or flourishes, often associated with tradition.
Skeumorphic Design: Emulating real-world objects in digital interfaces.
Style: The overall aesthetic and visual language of a design.
Texture: Adding visual interest and depth through simulated physical surfaces.
Typography: The art and science of arranging type to enhance readability and impact.

Control Elements

Status Bar: Displays device information and notifications at the top.
Navigation Bar: Provides access to primary actions or sections of an app.
Tab Bar: A row of buttons for switching between multiple views.
Search Bar: Facilitating quick content查找.
Toolbar: A bar containing actions or functions.
Buttons: Tactile elements that trigger actions.
Edit Menus: Contextual options for modifying content.
Labels: Text indicating the purpose or function of an element.
Segmented Controls: Multi-part sliders or switches for choosing options.
Alert View: Displays notifications or error messages.
Pop-up: Temporary windows that appear on top of the main screen.
Scanning: Feature for scanning barcodes or QR codes.
Page Controls: Indicators for navigating through content.
Progress Indicators: Showing the progress of an action or task.
Activity Indicators: Circular animations indicating app activity.
Refresh Content Controls: Enabling users to update or reload data.
Slider: A control for adjusting numeric values.
Steppers: Step-by-step progress controls.
Switches: Binary controls for toggling between options.
Text Fields: Input areas for entering text.

Common Pages and Elements

Login/Sign-in: User authentication process.
Register/Sign-up: User account creation.
Home: The primary entry point for users.
Find: A search or discovery feature.
Explore: A browsing or discovery experience.
Activity: User's recent actions or feed.
Management: Areas for managing account settings.
Messages: Communication and notifications hub.
News: Displaying latest updates or articles.
Search Results: Displaying relevant content after a query.
Music: Audio playback and library management.
Notes: Quick jotting or organizing notes.

Each term plays a crucial role in crafting intuitive interfaces, and understanding these concepts is key to designing user-friendly experiences. Dive deeper into the realm of design by exploring the full spectrum of terms, and let your creativity flourish!

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