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状语从句 (速10分钟)

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-15 13:58



热心网友 时间:2024-06-08 06:34

1>She didn’t come to school, because she was ill yesterday
2>The boy began to play the piano when he was five.
3>You are so young that you can't decide by yourself.
4>The horse runs not faster than the dog
5>You can listen to the radio after you finish doing your homework.
6>Although the boy is not very tall, he can jump very high.
7>Could you tell me how I can get the nearest bookstore?
8>If you don't take off your hat, you’ll be misteken for someone else.
9>The door is so narrow that a fat man like him can't go through.
10>If you work harder, you’ll get a better grade.
11>They went to the city in order that they could find a better job.
12>As soon as the teacher came in ,they became quite at once.
13>I will get there quickly if it's possible.
14>They haven’t decided where they will eat their lunch.
15>You can’t live for long if there is no water.

---from an English teacher

热心网友 时间:2024-06-08 06:36

1>Because she was ill yesterday, she didn’t come to school.
2>The boy began to play the piano when he was five.
3>You are so young that you can't decide by yourself.
4>Although the horse runs fast, the dog runs much faster.
5>Don’t listen to the radio while you are doing your homework.
6>Thouth the boy is not very tall, but he can jump very high.
7>Could you tell me where is the nearest bookstore?
8>If you don't take off your hat, you’ll be misteken for someone else.
9>The door is narrow so that for a fat man like him can not go through.
10>If you work harder, you’ll get a better grade.
11>They went to the city because they wanted to find a better job.
12>When the teacher came in, they became quite at once.
13>Because I should get there quickly, I must be as quickly as possible.
14>They haven’t decided where they should eat their lunch.
15>You can’t live for long if there is no water.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-08 06:38

1.Since ill yesterday,she didn;t come to school.
2.When at the age of five,the boy began to play the piano.
3.If old enough ,you can decide by yourself.
4.The dog runs faster than the horse.
5.Don't listen to the radio while you are doing homework.
6.Though not very tall,he can jump very high.
7.could you tell me where the nearest bookstore is?

睡觉了。。- =
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