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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 19:49



热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 07:24

Dear Mr.Wang,
Thank you for reading my letter while a lot of work has been troubleing you.
I would like to thank you allowing me to work here for as long as ten years .And I am very happy to say that working here is kind of comfortable . I'm pretty sorry about quiting the job for a new one.As is known,knowledge has no limit,so I have to say that I need to recharge my batteries with a new challenge.Aslo,it is boring for being here ten years,and the present occupation tied me.
I cherish the experience I have received. I'm confident that it will be very usual to me in my future career.
Sincerely yours,


热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 07:17

Dear library curator, I have work for ten years, think again because family pressure heavy, so think of other place to work, please curator you promised.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-06 07:21

Dear Mr.Wang,
Thank you for reading my letter while a lot of work has been troubleing you.
I would like to thank you allowing me to work here for as long as ten years .And I am very happy to say that working here is kind of comfortable . I'm pretty sorry about quiting the job for a new one.As is known,knowledge has no limit,so I have to say that I need to recharge my batteries with a new challenge.Aslo,it is boring for being here ten years,and the present occupation tied me.
I cherish the experience I have received. I'm confident that it will be very usual to me in my future career.
Sincerely yours,
求英语作文,200字,图书管理员想辞职,写一封信给图书馆馆长,背景条件如 ...

Dear Mr.Wang,Thank you for reading my letter while a lot of work has been troubleing you.I would like to thank you allowing me to work here for as long as ten years .And I am very happy to say that working here is kind of comfortable . I'm pretty sorry about quiting...

英语作文给图书馆长mr. smith写一封信

I want to give me a chance, I will strive to become a good volunteer. I will be waiting for your reply.

初三英语作文80词,不要太好: 假如你是图书管理员根据下面要求写一个通知...

初三英语作文80词,不要太好:假如你是图书管理员根据下面要求写一个通知,说明图书馆有关规定:应该:1.阅读后放回原处。2.借书要按时归还。3.保持图书完好无损。不允许:1.大声说话。2... 初三英语作文80词,不要太好:假如你是图书管理员根据下面要求写一个通知,说明图书馆有关规定:应该:1.阅读后放回原处。2...


Thank you for your time.I am looking forward to your reply.


There's a big library in our school. There' re many different kinds of books in it. Miss Yang works there. She works hard.She is always very glad to see that we read newspapers and books in the reading room. But she is very strict with us. She always tells us to ...


I'm sorry that I cann't go to the library with you this afternoon. I'm ill and have a headache.I will go to the hospital this afternoon and have a good rest.对不起,我不能与你今下午去图书馆。我病了,头痛。我今天下午要去医院看一看医生并做一个好的休息。


1. 用英文以李明身份写一份介绍自己的日程表 DearLibrarian, 亲爱的图书管理员: Thankyouverymuchforofferingmethechancetomakesuggestionstoimprovetheserviceoflibrary.IloveourlibrarywhichholdsthousandsofbooksandIwanttogiveyoursomesuggestions. 非常感谢你给我这个机会来提一些建议来完善图书馆服务。我很...


room tidy, the food and drink to you shall not be free to move at ; reading desks and chairs. four . keep the room was quiet, the museum to close beepers and mobile phones ; would whisper together to reflect others in reading. five . well dressed, and good manners.


although I realize this is a great cause of inconvenience. I sincerely apologize about my personal carelessness and the problem my mistake has caused you. Please understand that I shall try and be more conscious in the coming future.Best regard,your name 字数够不,希望采纳,祝你拿...


Dear XX,It has been a long time since we met last year. I have been working in a trading company since we departed last time. My main duties are on clerical work using computer applications. It is quite boring. Hence I plan to have a vacation this summer for two weeks. I...

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